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Saturday, February 28, 2009

Sudden Chill

Honestly, I should be looking for cliparts of icicles. It got so cold yesterday before Shabbat, and it has been raining and hailing (not to the chief) and thunder, lightning and freezing!

At least it was warm in shul. The heat was on in the synagogue. It's hard to concentrate on typing when I'm so cold and I couldn't take a walk, since when I opened the door, I discovered rain.

But Baruch Hashem! Thank G-d it's raining, a true gift from G-d!


  1. Yes, it is COLD. People in America don't realize that we feel cold, it being colder thetre. But there they have central heating, and here... not.

  2. So true. And Israeli building materials are for hot climates! Heat is a luxury expense for us.


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