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Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Did I Need Lunch!

One of the laws in the Start Fresh kosher weight loss diet is never to feel hungry, and yesterday, by the time I made it to the bus station, customer support should have had me arrested.

I was thirsty, too, even though I drank a lot of water at my friend's place in the morning and again after the Matan lecture. Actually, by the time I picked up my new glasses in the center of town I was hungry but wanted to get to the bus station first. Many diet experts say that exercise increases metabolism so that what you eat post-workout is worth fewer calories. Besides that, I was afraid that I'd feel "too heavy and satisfied" after eating to walk.

I walked the kilometer or more with a very heavy backpack strapped to my back. I needed to buy myself some water in the discount supermarket near the bus station, and I figured I could save money by buying low-fat cheese and veggies. Also, I need some hat "yarn." I'm sure you've heard that shopping should never be done when hungry, couldn't make a decision, so walked out of the yarn store empty-handed.

At the supermarket, I cracked a six-pack of water, just taking one small bottle and then headed for the cheese. Each little package was over ns10 and chock full of salt and the sort of "milk solids" I don't like, so I just paid for the water and headed back to the bus station.

Cafe` Net was my first stop. I checked out their salads. NS21 for a big bowl and had them add tuna (sans mayonnaise,) a hard boiled egg and some olives.

Delicious! Half was eaten in the shop and the other half on the bus. I couldn't have made a more satisfying or less expensive lunch on the go.

The most difficult lesson I've learned from this diet is that you have to eat to lose weight. OK, maybe I should have totally ignored the dessert at the wedding, but I only polished off the fruit part, nibbled at the sorbet and I did ignore the chocolate cake...


  1. Anonymous17/2/09 08:05

    Hard to beat Jerusalem for great, healthy lunch options!

  2. wow, good for you!!

    I enjoyed reading this post!

    Finding food, that is affordable and nutricious, especially while on the run, is one of my biggest challenges!!

  3. t, that's for sure, especially when kosher is a requirement!

    RivkA, thanks
    I was once a "health nut," and then for the past decade plus, I "pigged out." Now, I'm trying to get my body back, if you follow. It's hard work.
    A couple of months ago, I would have stopped for a felafel or bought a nice filling sandwich.
    Diet coaches say that we must not eat while running. I did have to sit for that salad. The best thing was that afterwards I felt great. I didn't need the bread to fill me up. B"H!


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