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Wednesday, February 04, 2009

The Hardest Diet Technique For Me

I was very lucky, that I found myself on Start Fresh kosher weight loss diet, because it does suit me. My extra weight isn't because I'm constantly noshing and grabbing cakes, cookies and candy. The food choices they recommend are the food I do like to eat. Unlimited salad and most cooked vegetables are my dream. I'm a three meals a day girl, and that's where I get stuck. I have trouble fitting the snacks in.

All of the modern weight loss diets stress that you must never allow yourself to get hungry, and you must eat something every three to four hours. I like three large meals a day. I'm not used to making time to eat in between meals. On occasion, I do get hungry and then I grab a fruit, but a day like yesterday, even though I had those gorgeous oranges on the table, I never took one. Nor did I take an apple or yogurt. The closest was a cup of coffee at a neighbor's. I could count that as my substitute for the yogurt I had planned. It did postpone my lunch appetite for a couple of hours.

At least I got in a two kilometer plus walk, early evening.


  1. Sounds like you are doing quite well!

  2. rickismom, Thanks, do you want to know what's really even harder? I'm going to have to follow this the rest of my life.

    I really appreciate the support.


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