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Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Am I Allowed To Complain?

I'm among the first to say that we need rain, lots of rain. And at this point every single drop is a gift from G-d.

Yes that but...

Yesterday when I came home, I felt that the house was smelling in need of open doors and windows, which can only be done on a dry sunny day.

As important as the rain is, we do need periodic breaks to dry and air out.

A neighbor with a few young kids said that she was in need of a clothes-drying day. It would be nice to have enough sun to dry the wash, since it never dries as nicely indoors. Sun-dried laundry smells so much better than from a clothes dryer.

The weather reports keep telling us that soon we'll have sunshine, whenever "soon" is. It keeps moving away...


  1. No, you are not allowed to complain . I have a wet mattress, and I am not complaining.
    PS, open the windows and keep the slates of the tressim half shut. You will freeze, but you can get some fresh air, than reclose and turn on a heater..... (NOT NEFT!)

  2. I was just thinking about this earlier as I added yet more clothes to the ever growing pile of laundry... Wishing for a couple of days of sunshine so I could catch up with the laundry before giving birth.

  3. haha... I struggle with whether I'm allowed to complain too. :) I just got a bad cold, to top it all off. And I jogged past fields that looked like rice paddies today!

    But I AM really glad we're getting rain... we'll be glad of this when we can actually shower this summer :)

  4. ricki's mom, no trisim here, but I'll just have to open the door to the merpeset a bit. Today's rain is so sweet and gentle. You're so right.

    pesky, b'sha'ah tovah! I have to publicize your new KCC logo.

  5. Maya, you must have commented at the time I was!
    The damp weather is actually healthy!


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