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Tuesday, March 31, 2009

I Hope It Wasn't A Dumb Move

The day before yesterday, I had my hair cut. It seemed like a decent job, and I enthusiastically thanked the student and her teacher. I usually have it done by a neighbor, but being that it's so soon before Passover, and we have all this Pesach cleaning to do I didn't call her. So, I went to the hair cutting school, where the price is cut rate, very cheap. Considering that I cover my hair, and bad hair cuts grow out, like good ones, I figured I can't go wrong.

Then yesterday morning, after my shower I looked in the mirror and decided that there was still too much hair in the back. Before I knew it, the hair-cutting scissors was in my hand, and I was enthusiastically snipping away, more and more.

I honestly have no idea how it really looks from the back. I didn't arrange the mirrors to see. I'm terrified to discover an uneven patchy mess. And if that's the case, it'll grow out even worse. I'm afraid to let anyone see it.

I guess you can chalk that one up to:

"You get what you pay for."


  1. When we were living in Maale levona, my daughters and I went a few times to Shuki Zikri. The big minuses are it can take all day and the fact that there's no elevator and I have a carriage.

    Now that we're in Ariel, there are several local hair salons and the girls seem to have found one they really like. It's 50NIS but I figure with the cost of round trip buses and buying lunch or whatnot, it comes out cheaper to stay local.

    Plus my husband and I are big fans of local patronage...

  2. ns50 is reasonable. My neighbor charges more. I was in Shuki Zikri last week and there was a line. This week, I didn't wait long.

    I agree re: patronizing local businesses. I would have a problem of tzniyut in a regular hair salon which is open to the street. The advantage of SZ is that it's upstairs. Schlepping a carriage hasn't been part of my routine for decades. Then my hair was long, and I just chopped off a few inches a couple of times a year.

  3. Actually, the place my girls like has a cutting station set up behind a screen for the Dati, head-covering crowd.

  4. Wow! HOw complicated would it be to find? I bus/tremp. Ariel isn't all that far. Do you need appointments? Some time after s'fira, but they should advertise here.


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