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Friday, March 06, 2009

Purim's A Tough Holiday For Dieters

And Passover's no picnic either. At least on Purim, we're not required to eat all those carbohydrates. I'm waiting to hear the special weight loss advice from my Start Fresh diet mentors.

Purim is a matter of temptation, very suited to the Purim story.

As the Megilat (Scroll of) Esther opens, it tells of the festivities King Achashverosh had organized to celebrate his rule. The vast majority of the Jewish community attended the feasts, even though they really shouldn't have.

They kept insisting that "this king is our friend." Eventually, when Achashverosh gave the evil Haman the power and authority to destroy every single member of the Jewish Nation, they were still in denial.

As we commemorate and celebrate to this very day, Mordechai and Esther and the very powerful Hester Pannim, Hidden Hand/Face of G-d saved the Jewish People.

Now, what does all that have to do with sticking to a diet?

"We are what we eat."

Granted, I admit that we can't control absolutely every illness and medical condition. Some will run rampant in our bodies no matter what we try to do. And some illnesses and conditions can only be cured and/or controlled with medications and/or surgery. But by eating the right foods in the correct quantities, we will certainly be healthier than otherwise.

So, no matter what your religion or observance, make healthy choices. Yes, I admit that the cliche` is correct. It is easier said than done. Delicious treats don't have to be unhealthy or fattening.

One neighbor gives out a salad plate as Mishloach Manot, the Purim food gift. I keep it near me and nosh from it. That way the junk food is less tempting. I make my vegetable soup, and this year I'll either Bake Apples or make a compote.


  1. I'm not dieting, but I do try to eat a healthy diet. Yes, too many temptations. I'm going to try to get my husband and kids to do the hamantaschen tomorrow. Would rather have nothing to do with them.

  2. That doesn't help for me.

    This year I didn't buy lots of candies to fill the Mishloach Manot. I'll have to recycle what we get.


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