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Monday, March 09, 2009

There Is NO Mitzvah To Make Noise During The Megillah Reading!

We are supposed to listen carefully to every word!

I can't stand loud noises. I have walked out of "parties." I have sat with my hands over my ears at weddings.

I don't go to my local shul for Purim. I can't concentrate when people are making noise. I don't find noise joyous.

Even though my hearing has gotten worse with the years, my tolerance for noise has gotten worse, too.

As an extention of the Mitzvah to Remember what Amalek did to the Jewish People, we are supposed to listen to the Megilat (Scroll of) Ester, and we are to understand what's being said. An uninhibited noisy carnival atmosphere goes against the purpose of the reading.

Baruch Hashem, we have neighbors who invite others to hear the Megillah, yes, hear the megillah, every word in their home.

Chag Purim Sameach
Have A Joyful Purim


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