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Monday, April 06, 2009

Dust In My Eyes

It's a dry, dusty day. We took in the wash quickly.

Now to finish the fridge, move it and clean around it. Finish washing a few dishes. Do the stove top again and then...

...the transformation...

I'm enjoying taking apart the fridge. It's a Sharp.

...and the break is over....

back to cleaning... oy


  1. I'm taking a break from alternating cleaning and working to say "hello." I cleaned my fridge, but it's full of chametz (does that make sense? I clean it the week before and hope no one spills guck all over it, so I can clean it easily right before the chag).

    Take care.

  2. Good luck! I mentioned the chamsin today in my blog... thanks for confirming that it's actually dusty outside. (I wasn't sure I was just imagining that part and if maybe we didn't just have a mini-chamsin!) Happy Pesach!

  3. Leora, thanks for using your break to say hello. I "did" the stove a week ago, hoping it wouldn't need much work today. But my son visited to help, and he did help, but he also heated up some pittot on the stove. Small price to pay for his visit and help.

    And it wasn't that hard to clean it today.

    Maya, I don't wash windows before Pesach because of the sand.


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