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Sunday, April 19, 2009

Facebook Isn't Turning Me On

My visits to Facebook are getting less and less frequent. I don't need that niche between blogging and emails. None of my old friends have discovered me there, and I haven't discovered anyone I'd like to friend either.

It's not like I'm deleting my page or anything like that, but I can't remember when I last signed in. And when I do post something, nobody reacts to it. It's like being invisible.

I don't twitter either. I keep thinking that it would be a good idea to open an account...

I like real people, f2f, even phone calls, emails and blogging. So you can't say that I'm a techno-phobe or whatever the term is. I waste so many hours a day on the computer. Why should I add to it?


  1. I don't consider myself a techno-phobe but I really don't see much point in Facebook either. Most of the bloggers I have as friends are in my Google Reader, so I know they've posted. I keep forgetting to post my own stuff.
    By the way, Nes Tziyona is right next to Rehovot.

  2. You're certainly not.
    Actually, you can set up your facebook to post a notice when you've blogged. I don't think I've ever gotten hits from it, but that takes off another excuse to sign in to your account.
    As you know, I haven't been to Rechovot much, either.

  3. Face book is also not doing it for me but it is a good way to contact friends if you ever wantt o. In this biusy world, a social network site is a good idea in theory. But there is just something lacking.

  4. mp, I havent' discovered any friends from my past on facebook. It could be my age.


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