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Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Lots To Do, Too Much To Do

I just spent most of my morning computer time writing about Christian missionaries masquerading as Jews to entrap the unsuspecting. As if I have nothing else to do. Yesterday, my football-playing son cleaned out the laundry room, family bathroom (the main one,) polished the leather couches and refolded everything in the linen closet. I didn't give him too much to do, since he's recovering from Saturday night's winning game and gathering strength for Friday's final.

Today is my last full day for "the rest of the house." I must attack my bedroom and make room for stuff that's in the den. Why "attack" my bedroom? Because it's a monstrous mess. I must return to my "fly lady ways" of throwing things out. There's just too much stuff I never touch and will never use. I have some great medium level jigsaw puzzles. They take up lots of shelves. Now we have two computers going all week, so I never set a puzzle up to do. What can I do with them?

There's also tons of English-teaching stuff. I've hardly gotten a tutoring job, so I don't really need it all.

The worst is the dust and mess. I've gotten rid of some clothes and haven't bought hardly anything this year. I'm approaching almost half what I want to lose lost in my diet. For some very peculiar reason, I can still wear my clothes. They just fit differently. Either I had been buying the wrong size, or I had gained weight in the past year and didn't notice. Whatever, though my skirts are now much longer, they don't yet fall off. I haven't been swimming much this winter, so I guess my muscles aren't as "sleek" as in previous winters.

I have to lose lots more weight to justify buying new clothes, and considering that we don't have the money, maybe I ought to get to know the 2nd hand stores.

Off to the shower, dress, doven, eat and .... do I really have to? ...clean.


  1. It wasn't a waste. It was a good post.

    Last week, Moshe was in town and noticed some very slick handouts that turned out to be from Jewish missionaries.

    Unfortunately, someone who does not know better could easily be fooled into believing that these missionaries are presenting a legitimate form of Judaism.

    They are very active throughout Israel, and they are a growing community!

  2. Anonymous1/4/09 08:52

    Oy vey about those activities.

    As far as shopping for clothing, maybe, G-d willing, you'll be able to give away or sell (for a nominal price) what no longer fits.

    It's great to see that you've found a sustainable eating plan. I started doing different things with my veggies - whatever I can to eat them (and get the nutritional benefits). Not that I'm a "salter", though.

  3. Thanks Rivka. It's so dangerous. They dress upo like frum Jews. Very confusing.

    t, I hope to get thin enough so that nothing fits.

    Terrible timing this diet. I finally have a nice wardrobe... of fatty clothes. And I don't have money. Yes, I'll donate and sell whenever the time comes.


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