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Sunday, May 31, 2009

Yona Baumel dies at 81 | Israel | Jerusalem Post

Yona Baumel dies at 81 | Israel | Jerusalem Post

Posted by Risa

Yona and Miriam Baumel were very special people. They made aliya in 1970, with three children. In fact they were the only people like that I actually knew in New York who made aliya as a family. (Let me explain, I knew lots of people here who came from New York, but I hadn't met them in my 'old' life in New York. I knew lots of people who came from New York when they were young and have lived here and had families.) These were people who I had met at my friends' house, someone's uncle and they made aliya - in the middle of their lives.

And then, they became the center of a terrible tragedy. Many Jews have suffered loss and certainly American olim have had their share of fallen soldiers. But the story of Zach Baumel is more than loss. It's the uncertainty of his fate, the gnawing sense that Tzahal did the unspeakable, the unforgivable and gave up for dead a living soldier.

We may never really know what happened to Zach and the sense that this in some way could have been handled differently has to leave us all feeling guilty. There was never closure for Yona Baumel and now Miriam faces this new loss alone. We should all be crying with her.

May the family find comfort among the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem.

DovBear Discovers Modern JBlogging!

The infamous DovBear's last Havel Havelim was over two hundred (200) editions ago.

Drum roll, please!

With fond memories of the old blog carnival hosting techniques, he kvetches about blog carnival's service. Well, my dear DB, I also hosted in the olden days. Soccer Dad used to send me letters with a handful or even a dozen links to blog posts he was certain (and usually right) that I had missed. I think I was the first to request a Friday deadline for the Sunday publication. It would drive me crazy that just when I "finished," Sunday morning Israel time, bloggers in the Americas, thinking that it was just Saturday night, would flood my mailbox and make me add their posts.
In the old days, there was "Conservative Cat," if I remember rightly, who forwarded the posts to the various carnival hosts.
I wonder what happened to Mirty, the Baleboosteh and Mr. Bagel Blogger among others...
Oh, yes, don't forget to check out HH #219! It's very DovBear.

So, Boyle's #2

No real surprise that Susan Boyle, the surprising singing sensation only made it to second place in the You've Got Talent final. In the American version, the long-time front runner also lost.
For Boyle, no doubt that her present fame is already far beyond what she could have expected. She is more famous than the winning group.
I don't know if singing a different song would have raised her score enough to get first prize. In terms of a future career, a limited repertoire is restricting.
Seabiscuit didn't win every race, but that didn't diminish his legend.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Public Dieting, Like All those Celebrities

Obviously fewer people care about my successful public diet than those who read about Oprah and other famous fat people.
I've been getting a lot of:
"Wow! You have lost weight!" comments from my neighbors
For the longest time, I kept saying:
"OK, so I'm overweight; I feel fine and function alright."

I never really planned this diet/menu change. What has me really shocked is that according to the official statistics, it has taken me half a year and ten kilo, 22 pounds, to "graduate" from "obese" to "overweight." Those charts insist that I get another ten kilo off... at least.

Please cheer me on, even though I'm not famous.

Must Get Ready For Shavuot

It's a two day holiday for us, too, this time. Generally, it's much easier here in Israel. We rarely have more than one day of Jewish Holiday restrictions. Only Rosh Hashannah, the Jewish New Year is two days long.

This year Shavuot falls on a Friday, meaning that Shabbat immediately follows. There will be differences in the prayers on Shabbat, between Israel and Chutz l'Aretz, but otherwise it's the same.

I have to cook and clean today.

Shavuot is a traditional learning day, day and night. More traditionally, people study Jewish texts all night. I can't handle those all-nighters any more. For the past ten years or so, we've been hosting a class in the afternoon. So I'm expecting the neighbors over to hear Rabbi Dov Berkovits, a neighbor. We don't travel on the Jewish Holidays, so everything is local.

If I don't get to post during the day,
Chag Sameach
Have a Joyful Holiday

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

The 25 Pound Milestone!

Yes! I'm twenty-five pounds, or about twelve kilo less than I was about a half a year ago when I went on the Start Fresh Diet. I finished their basic five week program, and now I'm continuing eating well, never hungry and still losing weight!

At this point, I don't think it's good to say I'm "on a diet." I try to explain that I've changed my eating habits, and that's how I'm losing weight. If I ever went back to my previous food choices, the weight would rapidly return.

My basic diet is the one I learned form Start Fresh.

I'm half way down to where I'd like to be, but I don't know if my body will get that thin. I'm just as curious as you.

Stretching Out The Big 6

We have to take advantage of every excuse to celebrate, and I'll be dragging out my 60th for another few weeks.

Generally, we consider each birthday to have a season which spans the days between the Jewish and goyish birthdays, but since I'll be in New York soon and then, only when I return, will my kids be making me a party here, this significant milestone will be a good month or more long. Why not? My birthday is pretty much ignored most years, so now we'll make up for it.

Yesterday, my best friend from high school, who's here visiting, took me out for a treat.

This giant balloon wasn't part of the celebrations, but let's pretend it was!

We went to the "Hyatt" Regency Spa in French Hill. My gift was lunch and a massage. Their "business lunch" was a great bargain compared to downtown restaurant prices. We had a choice of salads, each large enough to be considered a meal. We both chose the same fish as main course. I asked that the "chips" be replaced by more salad. And for dessert there was a fruit salad, mostly cut up apples. We could also choose coffee, tea or juice.

Yes, it was fried fish, but the batter wasn't "bready." I removed most of it. Portions were very generous.

The only problem was the menu. You'd think that a fancy hotel would use a proof-reader for its menu.

The massage was great, and then we went to the "Turkish Bath," the jacuzzi, sauna and steam room. We also relaxed on special "couches." Only the "Turkish Bath" wasn't in the "Ladies Locker Room." I was well-covered by the complimentary robe I'd been lent for the massage. The swimming pools are "mixed," so it wasn't a swim day.

I had a great time. I should turn sixty more often!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Fill Up On The Historic 42nd Kosher Cooking Carnival

Gillian of Food History presents the 42nd edition of the Kosher Cooking Carnival!
Pay her a visit and enjoy the unique presentation.

American Jewish Girl Doll

Not all that authentic for a girl from the slums of the Lower East Side almost a hundred years ago...She looks much too affluent for me. I think that this new doll from American Girl is modeled more on today's fashionably well-dressed Jewish girl from Boropark, Brooklyn. Certainly the price, $95, isn't for everyone. But as I understand, this company has many loyal followers.

I've visited the store with my niece. Last time we patronized the WC. Yes, if you're one of those, like me, who considers those sorts of facilities the most important addresses in any city, the American Girl Store in Manhattan is just perfect. And it doesn't cost anything to look at the dolls.

More Birthday Celebrating

My Diet Support Group surprised me with a gorgeous plant. I don't charge, since I consider what I'm doing as my training. Next year I plan on marketing and charging for my services.

Everyone is losing weight and feeling better. I keep stressing that our object must be to find a way of eating which will facilitate a lower weight. It has to be something we can live with forever. There is no such thing as "after the diet." If you plan for a "diet and after" you'll just gain weight back. Weight loss should be slow, actually, the slower the better.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Coaching's The Way

My coaching with Yehudit has been going on for a couple of months. I haven't mentioned it much.

My blog is me. You can see my picture and know my name. I don't consider the subject/material/aim/goal of the coaching to be anyone's business but mine and Yehudit's.

Because I once took a coaching course, I thought the coaching would be different. My mistake. Yehudit is doing exactly what she should be doing with me. It's a "good shidduch," a good match made by mutual friends.

So, yes, I do recommend her. All coaches are different, since the profession is interpreted personally by whoever is doing the coaching.

Thanks Yehudit!

Flying Low Carb?

Combining dieting and traveling is difficult. The little airline meals usually have a high carbohydrate content. I can't expect my 1/4 protein and 3/4 salad and cooked low carb and low fat vegetables from any of the kosher options, even on El Al.

I got my tickets through Zion Tours, and they sent me a letter reminding me that I could choose various food options, besides Glatt Kosher.

OK, besides the obvious "bring something from home," does anyone have any suggestions? I'm afraid of the vegetarian, because it may actually have even more carbs.

Busy Start To The Week

Let's start with Benji's Havel Havelim! Don't skip it. He always puts on a great show!

Last night we went to a wedding, very scenic and multi-lingual. It took us a while until we found another guest we actually knew. MAZAL TOV!

It looks like I stupidly and inadvertently deleted the picture from my Rosh Chodesh Sivan Women's Prayers at Tel Shiloh. I'll post more about it on Shiloh Musings.

In between going to the Tel to pray and going to the wedding, I babysat for the grandkids. Yes, I was busy!

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Sorry, I Haven't "Visited" Much

Being Post-Havel Havelim and Blogging About Losing Weight in one week, I haven't done much blog visiting. So if you've noticed, you should understand that it's nothing personal. I was rather preoccupied with purchasing my tickets to NY and still recovering from being sick.

I'll be doing my Kibbud Av v'Em, Honoring my Father and Mother trip very stressfully soon. We may be bringing them here for their final days/years until 120. So if anyone has any real technical advice, like how much it really costs for the elderly here. What rent subsidy etc, health expenses etc, please let me know. Thanks

I've been very stressed out.

We had a busy Shabbat with married daughter and all the kiddies. Also, a neighbor turned 60 a couple of days after me, and we tried to celebrate together. His family really planned well, and they were very sweet to mention me, too. An added bonus was that Ezra Yachin and wife were in Shiloh for Jerusalem Day Shabbat celebrations. We've known him for years, since we were olim chadashim, new immigrants, and next year we celebrate forty years for that!

Saturday, May 23, 2009

A Birthday Sign From Granddaughter #1

Don't I have the right to brag? Such a gorgeous sign!

Friday, May 22, 2009

I Liked The Old Menu Better

The Rimon Cafe` Restaurant, just off of Zion Square is a Jerusalem landmark. It's possibly the longest-running restaurant in town. I've had a "membership" for well over ten years and get a discount, so I do know the place. It has changed a lot over the years, had its ups and downs, like many veteran businesses. And it's hard for me to think of a bad meal, until last night.

Firstly, I must say that
my husband did enjoy his fish dinner.

I had expected to order an ordinary Tuna Salad, with a fancy name, but it was no longer on the menu. Instead I ordered their "Italian Salad," with pesto, tomatoes, sauteed mushrooms, cashews and there would have been croutons, but I told them to leave them out.

It looks good, except I didn't notice that the tomatoes looked bleached, a bad sign especially in Israel where luscious red tomatoes are so easy to buy. The pesto was too oily. I didn't add any salad dressing, not even olive oil, and I began feeling sick from the oil. If I hadn't already had my "off diet day" at my birthday party, I could have ordered something with carbohydrates, but this had seemed the best for me. It offered salad, cooked vegetables, a bit of cheese and nuts. I guess I should have splurged on the fish and ordered a non-carb side dish.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

#4 Blogging About Losing Weight

I'm also trying to lose weight, and the Blogging About Losing Weight carnival is one of the methods I've chosen to keep my motivation high. This has been a very public diet. I've been on it for half a year, and I've lost almost half of what I think I should lose. My guess is that it will take another year, since the first half of the weight goes off most quickly.

I'm not on one of those temporary diets. I've changed my eating to something I hope and pray I'll be able to stick to until the day I die. Believe me; I eat I lot. Starvation isn't on the menu. At some point, I'll stabilize at a weight, and that will become my weight.

Most successful dieters reach a eureka point, when suddenly they realize that their bodies do look better. I experienced that earlier in the week.

I've established a diet support group, and it's really great to help others and learn from them.

Many people gain weight, or can't lose, because they find food preparation too difficult. That's why I believe in cooking for days in advance. There are those who will say that it's not as healthy as freshly cooked food, but it sure beats sandwiches, cakes and cookies.

Here are blog posts I received. Please don't send more than three, and if they aren't about losing weight I won't include them. I hope that I caught the irrelevant ones.

Please remember that I'm not personally responsible for anything recommended here.

Be Healthy, Enjoy and Good Luck!

Joel Riley presents Beyonce's Secrets To An Easy 10 Day Master Cleanse posted at The Master Cleanse Diet.
Joel Riley presents
4 Hot Tips To Have The Best Master Cleanse Diet posted at The Master Cleanse Diet.
Dejan Banovic presents
All About What You Gain posted at Weight Loss Writings.
Dejan Banovic presents
The Clock And The Mirror posted at Weight Loss Writings.
Joel Gray presents 24 Hour Fitness - For Today?s Fast Paced Lifestyle posted at Health Tips 101.
Rusty Moore presents
Workout Intensity and Fat Loss - Hitting the Sweet Spot posted at Fitness Black Book, saying, "Here is a post I wrote about hitting the ideal intensity level to get the "HGH flush"...an indicator that your body will burn fat from your cardio workout."
Maxx presents
How To Cut Back On Your Sodium Intake posted at How To Maximize Your Health And Fitness, saying, "Have you recently been told by your doctor that you had to go on a low-sodium diet? You are probably finding this to be quite difficult as you discover that sodium seems to be everywhere? Well you are certainly not alone as the typical American eats way too much fast food when away from home and at home they tend to gravitate towards those high sodium comfort foods."
robert galway presents Diet Pills posted at robertgalway.com, saying, "Diet pills are an incredibly popular method people use for losing weight. The market is flooded with a wide array of diet pills but it is extremely foolish to think that diet pills can work magic on obesity or even simple weight loss. Diet pills are a temporary solution, if any solution at all. They contain stimulants that speed the metabolism and suppress the appetite."
Rusty Moore presents
"Exercise Addiction Inventory" - A 6 Question Test May Indicate Addiction posted at Fitness Black Book, saying, "I found a 6 question test that may indicate whether someone is "at risk" for being an exercise addict. This test isn't conclusive, but may show the need for further evaluation."
Brain Blogger presents
Tax Your Way Thin posted at Brain Blogger, saying, "The obesity epidemic in the United States has stirred emotions and inspired calls for public health initiatives to get American thin. The idea of food taxes on sugar-sweetened drinks levied to curb the consumption of such beverages is discussed in an article published by the New England Journal of Medicine. The idea of an excise tax on junk food is not new, but is up for debate again as states look for ways to reduce expenditures and increase revenues in tough economic times"
Joel Riley presents
Is The Lemonade Diet A Rip Off? posted at The Master Cleanse Diet.
Joel Riley presents
3 Daily Habits To Shed Those Extra Pounds! posted at The Master Cleanse Diet.
saying, "Seems like there are ever-increasing rules about what to eat, what not to eat, when to eat, how often to eat each day, etc. Magazines sell more copies when their covers boast about celebrity “secret” weight-loss tips: Can either lemon water, cinnamon, or hot fudge room spray really reduce one’s appetite?"
Carol Galanty presents
Raw foods: what is all the hype about? posted at Galantys Game Plan, saying, "Find out what all the hype about raw foods is all about. Learn about how eating only living foods results in more energy, a youthful appearance, better health and weight loss."
Maxx presents Some Typical Causes Of Childhood Obesity posted at How To Maximize Your Health And Fitness, saying, "Being concerned with the causes of childhood obesity is a very good idea for any parent. It's only when you recognize the true causes of this condition that you can truly work toward fixing it.So, what are the common causes of childhood obesity and what may a family do to come to grips with these causes?"
Brain Blogger presents Lose Weight to Go Green posted at Brain Blogger, saying, "The newest target of the worldwide “Go Green” campaign is obesity. Virtually everyone understands the concepts of reduce, reuse, and recycle in the context of being better stewards of the environment, but now “reduce” may mean reducing your waistline. An article recently published in the International Journal of Epidemiology, suggests that the prevalence of obesity in the population today significantly contributes to greenhouse gas emissions and climate change."
Joel Riley presents
Lose Pounds - 3 Simple And Cheap Ways To Shed Up To 20 Pounds! posted at The Master Cleanse Diet.
Celes presents 25 Of My Best Weight Loss Tips posted at EmbraceLiving.Net, saying, "I have always been trying to lose weight since 5-6 years ago. Since I have read a lot of materials on it and tried many different methods, I thought to compile 25 of my best weight loss tips for those who have the same goal as well :) Do let me know how effective they are for you!"
Cory presents What Is The Mediterranean Diet? posted at Eating Healthy, saying, "Description of the Mediterranean Diet."
Silicon Valley Blogger presents
Top 10 Cheapest Ways To Exercise posted at The Digerati Life, saying, "Thanks!"
Heartstrong presents
Which Sugar is Worse – Fructose or Glucose? posted at Healthy Hearts with Heartstrong.
Peter Stockwell presents Senior Exercise and Diet for Fast Weight Loss posted at The Senior Walking Fitness Blog.
Heartstrong presents
Can Vegetable Juice Promote Weight Loss? posted at Healthy Hearts with Heartstrong.
Joe E presents
New Diet Craze: I Gross You Out So Much That You Quit Eating Crappy, Disgusting Fast Food! posted at Promote Health, saying, "Here are 12 disgusting reasons why you need to cut fast food out of your diet!..."
FitJerk presents
Building Muscle Mass By Eating More? Carbs? Why Gluconeogenesis Is Your Enemy posted at FlawlessFitness, saying, "Most know that protein is the fundamental element that you need to eat to build rock hard muscles, and carbs are something you should cut down on to avoid getting fat. Right? WRONG! Learn the secret carb to protein ratio that explodes muscle mass!"
Marsha Hudnall presents
It Happened This Week: Cycling, Superfoods and Mother?s Day posted at A Weight Lifted.
Marsha Hudnall presents
Survey Shows Weight Rivals the Economy as Source of Stress posted at A Weight Lifted.
Caterina Christakos presents
Hypnotherapy Weight Loss Treatment posted at Trance You Out.
Cassandra Damiris presents
Balancing Acid/Alkaline foods for Optimum Health and Weight Loss thinspiration.gr posted at Thinspiration, saying, "Please visit my site at http://thinspiration.gr for more articles!"
Eliza Kelly presents
Low Glycemic Carbs posted at Diets That Work, saying, "Some information about the good carbs you can eat when following a low glycemic index diet"
Colin Timberlake presents
Thoughts on Calorie Monitoring with Weight Loss and Physique Goals posted at colintimberlake.com, saying, "A deeper look at calorie intake monitoring and its relationship to target weights."
Tristan presents
High Protein, High Fat But Low Carb Fat Loss Diet posted at Body And Fitness Blog, saying, "An easy to follow diet that will provide fast fat loss whilst preserving your muscle mass thus keeping your metabolism high."
Tristan presents Diet And Fitness Program posted at Body And Fitness Blog, saying, "An exercise and diet program to help burn off unwanted fat and get yourself into shape quickly."
Andrew Cowan presents
acid alkaline foods posted at acid diet, saying, "Instead of focusing on weight loss I spend more time thinking about eating good quality nutrient rich "fuel" that has an overall alkalizing effect on my body."
Tristan presents
Body Toning Tips posted at Body And Fitness Blog, saying, "A guide to getting into shape and toning your body in the quickest time possible. Utilises a three pronged attack - cardio, weight training and diet for maximum results!"
Ralph Jean-Paul presents Lessons Learned During My Self-Discipline Fast posted at ralphs words, saying, "The benefits and lessons I learned during a challenging juice fast."
Anastasiya presents The truth behind weight-loss programs: an easy way to take control over your weight Balance In Me posted at Balance In Me.
William Messruther presents
Lose Weight Before Summer posted at iGotFit.com - I Got Fit, So Can You!.

Maintaining Weight Loss
Steve Faber presents Tips on How to Lose Some Weight posted at Belly Fat Loser.
C. Anderson presents Should You Try Jenny Craig? Losing Weight Feels Great posted at Simplicity for Weight Loss Success, saying, "Jenny Craig is a popular weight loss program. Is it for you?"
Marsha Hudnall presents
When Counting Calories Doesn’t Work posted at A Weight Lifted.
Margaret Garcia presents
100 Fun and Free Exercise Alternatives to Your Gym Membership posted at Comments on: Top 100 Diet and Fitness Blogs.
Personal Story
Broderick Allen presents
From Weight Loss to Good Health Personal Growth and Creating the Life We Want posted at Broderick Allen - Personal Growth and Enjoying Life's Journey.

That concludes this edition. Submit your blog article to the next edition of blogging about losing weight carnival using our carnival submission form. Past posts and future hosts can be found on our blog carnival index page.

Technorati tags: , .

Carnival Work To Do

I just posted about Jerusalem Day on Shiloh Musings. And I realize that I'm already a day late in posting the 4th Blogging About Losing Weight carnival.

So besides my usual Thursday chores, I must take care of it.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Not If People Stress The "Jewish"

We don't get the American Idol and shows like that. all we get on Israel's Chanel One is news, shout shows and, on a good week, one one CSI and two Law & Order's.

I only know about the modern version of "Amateur Hour" from the internet. Here's my opinion about the following:

Can Adam Lambert win American Idol tonight?
Lambert expected to become first Jewish American Idol in the popular singing contest's history

He has a better chance if nothing is said about his being Jewish.

Pull Down The Shades!

Wasn't it just a few short weeks ago that I was kvetching about the cold? Our house was planned to take advantage of the free sun heating system, passive solar heating. The disadvantage is that the morning sun, the very early morning sun goes straight into the livingroom/diningroom and heats the house every summer morning.

So, I've finally pulled down the shades.

Sooner Rather Than Later

It looks like I'll be going to New York rather soon, though still no flights booked. Generally I get my tickets months in advance, but this year it took longer for my sister, who is much much busier than I am. Though I'm going to be missing some weddings.

I tried to book but, as usual, I had trouble with my El Al Matmid (frequent flyer club) sign in. Once I sign in, I'm going to it online, probably. Or I'll give up and contact a good agent, probably one of the big ones. Maybe I'll do it now. The only difference would be that online I'd get more points. If that's really the case, so maybe I'll email the big agent now and see what happens.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

How Was I Supposed To Know?

Today I went to Jerusalem for a morning of Bible Study in Matan. Recent graduates of their degree course gave us lessons. I'll write more about the content on Shiloh Musings.

Since I'd studied there this year, the trip seems much easier. When I went to class, I'd leave Shiloh on the 6:30 bus and then catch the #49 at the corner of Ramat Eshkol/Ammunition Hill. After that I'd walk about six minutes.

Today, I left a bit later and got to the #49 bus stop just after 8m, and I waited and waited and waited. At one point I was the only one waiting, and that's when I began to suspect something was wrong. It's too popular a bus for nobody else to need it.

The I asked someone:
"You missed the last bus."
"Last bus?"
"Yes, it only runs until 8am."
"Why isn't there a sign?"

How was I supposed to know? I had already wasted over a half an hour. So I put away my bus ticket and took, out money for a "transfer," so I could take two buses.

I only lost time...

Birthday Party #1

The Movie Club made me a birthday party last night. And the best baker in the neighborhood made a mint-chocolate cake and claimed that she didn't know that I'm a mint addict. Now if you're looking for an example of siyata d'Shmaya, that's it to a minty T!

Another neighbor made a nut-topped fruit salad, filled with every fruit you can imagine. Totally delicious!

We watched a very healthy movie, Cat Ballou. Yes, of course it's a healthy movie, because we laughed a lot, and laughing is good for your health!

I certainly have the best neighbors in the world!

Monday, May 18, 2009

I Could Have Admired Myself All Day

I don't think anything like that ever happened to me.

I went to the Dorin Frankfort store to get my "complimentary birthday gift." They were all out, but I looked at the sales items, since the birthday discount is added to the sales discount.

I tried on a skirt, which fit so perfectly, I was totally amazed. I can't remember ever having such a well-fitted well-made skirt before. I can now see how my 10 kilo plus (23 pound) weight loss has changed my body.

I almost bought it. Yes, almost. It's a winter skirt, and I hope to be even slimmer next winter. And this is the sort of skirt which has to fit. So I left it, sadly and happily and confident and optimistic that if I had bought it, it would be a mistake.

Yes, I must never revert back to my old eating habits. This isn't some "diet." It's a better way of eating.

Diet Support Group, Getting Better

I have four regulars now who come to my house for diet support. Each week I plan a different focus. We work on finding solutions to the others' problems in dieting, and I give "technical" information about nutrition, dieting and my own experiences.

We start with the weigh-in. I serve water and expect them to take notes. It's part of the kinesthetic learning. If you write things down in your own words, they enter your brain.

A major part of my spiel is "If I can you can." I'm no different in my diet phobias and ambivalence about losing weight. Weight loss isn't easy, and it can't, or shouldn't, be seen as some temporary diet. We each have to find the eating habits which both suit us and will keep us slimmer and healthier.

I wouldn't want to help someone who just wants to be slimmer for a one-time event. No quickie weight loss. It's better, yes healthier, to invest in a good dress-maker to design something super-flattering and comfortable.

IMHO, of course!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

All Blogged Out

This morning I finished and posted the 217th Havel Havelim. If you haven't read it, please do, and of course visit the various posts featured in it.

I only made a couple of mistakes... so far, at least to my knowledge. I fixed all that I was informed of. I haven't done any other blogging since, at least until this post.

As Scarlett said:

"Tomorrow's another day."

Presenting HH #217!

The Discount Havel Havelim
HH #

Havel Havelim is the most veteran of the jblogger carnivals and probably one of the longest running blog carnivals there is. Blog carnivals are like "floating" internet magazines. They float from blog to blog, like "floating crap games," l'havdil.

Havel Havelim, the international jblog carnival, was established by
Soccer Dad, and is now run by Jack. The term “Havel Havelim” is from Kohelet, Ecclesiastes, which was written by King Solomon, who built the Holy Temple in Jerusalem and later on got all bogged down in materialism and other “excesses” and finally realized that it was nothing but norishkeit, “havel” or in English “vanities.” I think that King Solomon and his father King David were the original "bloggers." The books they wrote, when you take them chapter by chapter, can easily be described as blog posts. The stones they used to write on made them last, so that we can read them now. I doubt if today's technology will preserve our words for so long.

When I announced to the jblog world that I'd be hosting this HH edition, I mentioned that, like Jack last week, it's a way of celebrating my birthday. The first post to arrive was from RivkA and on a birthday theme, about what she wanted for hers. Thanks, RivkA!

And does anyone know why this is called the "The Discount Havel Havelim?"

A Mother In Israel sent an illustrated post about the
watermelon horse. It reminded me of "Mr. Heck The Eggman," who sold eggs from a giant baby carriage in Bell Park Gardens, Bayside, NY in the 1950's. I hadn't thought about him for a long time.

Ya'aqov reports who's
banned from Britain. By the way, they didn't let Menachem Begin in until he was Israel's Prime Minister.

The Occidental Israeli posted about the
terrible human price of traffic accidents here in Israel. Just before I sat down to work on HH, there was news about a family, almost totally wiped out in a traffic accident.

An Israeli Soldier explains
why he's waiting for Churchill. Considering all the Neville Chamberlains in our government, media etc, we could use a good Churchill.

Maya is definitely becoming Israeli. Here's
how to make Israeli pickles.

Mrs. S lets us in to the secrets of
Israeli Lag B'Omer.

Jessica writes about a
very Israeli wedding. Believe me that all the money in the world can't surpass one of these.

Israel chronicles
medurot in her neighborhood. (I hope you don't mind the pun.)

Dave presents
Nonie Darwish.

Elder of Ziyon presents
Casualties of Truth about the Israel-Gaza war of a few months ago.

From Joel Katz
Religion and State in Israel - May 11, 2009, Section 1 and Section 2.

Cosmic X saw Israel's National Bird, the Hoopoe.

Read about the road between
Latrun and Jerusalem in My Romance With Israel.

There's a new site,
Jewish Israel, which may interest some of you. It has information and news you won't get elsewhere.

My husband blogged about the
pope on Har HaBayit.

It's bad enough that we've been having a
drought here in the HolyLand, but why waste so much water, especially with those high-powered cleaning hoses?

Sammy Benoit asks if
Obama and Netanyahu are "Frenemies?'."
Simply Jews posts about the
anti-Semitism in UC Irvine, simply awful. You must see the poster, so anti-Israel.

Bar Kochba rightly rants about the
Papal Bull heard this week in Israel.

Rutimizrachi tells us what is going on
10pm Lag B'Omer in Israel.

Life in Israel posted a picture of what the
Chief Sfardi Rabbi wore to his meeting with the pope. He didn't need it when he visited Shiloh.

Double Tapper blogged about
Obama's friends in Iran.

My husband wrote about the
indoctrination of Arab children.

Seraphic Secret writes about
today's anti-Semitism.

Keli Ata points out the
anti-Semitism in American political life.

Eric suggested "Israel" as the category
for this excellent post about J Jonathan Pollard, but I hope he doesn't mind that I've put in under Anti-Semitism.

Judeopundit posts an example of how
Israel is blamed for all sorts of things.

The Occidental Israeli
criticizes the pope's attitude towards Arab terrorism.

Isramom writes about a
better way to bring Gilad Shalit home.

Sammy explains how
70 Years Ago Great Britain Sentenced the Jewish People to DEATH.

I learned a lot about
Romanian Jewry from Ilana-Davita's post.

Geography Lessons from Dry Bones are the best. Too bad he's not put in charge of the school curriculum.

Check out Ya'aqov's list of:
"The Most Un-Jewish Things Of All" What would you add?

Israel Chronicles writes about
wills and intermarriage.

Prof K posted a
beautiful piece to remind us to connect with the Jews who are alone.

There's a new site called
Torah and Israel, which is worth checking out.

this article about Machon Shiloh (no relation to my home town) isn’t on a blog, but I think it belongs on Havel Havelim.

I think that one of the beauties of the
Bible is how it relates to current events.

Joel Katz presents an unofficial translation of
Guma Aguiar lawyer's warning letter.

Read about Cosmic X's
common sense concerning the pope's visit.

True, that Shnat Shemitta just ended recently, but it's never too soon to start preparing for the next one. Yechezkel posted about
Heter Mechira.

Mail Jewish is back! On it, I read about a new
Torah-Learning site.

The Rebbetzin's Husband posted an extremely informative article about
local Kashrut supervision and its importance.

Yechezkel's post about the
birthrate ends with a very disturbing piece of information. Food for thought.

Mottel writes about the
halachot of waiting between eating meat and milk.

Here's a
real important post from the Real Shaliach about middos/t. (Sorry, for the t, that's how I pronounce it.)

You may want to bookmark this for
next fall's Parshat Shavua, comparing Abraham with Lot in terms of "hachnasat orchim," welcoming guests.
Home Shuling writes how the words of Parshat Emor speak to her.

Parashablog writes about halachot of
eating in public.

Just a reminder that HH isn't a psak, halachik guideline and one of the first mishnayot in Pirkei Avot is to choose your own Rabbi.
Holidays (As requested by Leora)
Leora posted lots of pictures of the "
Blue and White Parade" in Edison, New Jersey.

Rickismom, one of my all time favorite bloggers, has written
a must-read about parenting.

Check out this new jblogger, goddess xrebbetzin, who
delves into life as she sees it.

Chaviva reports, as only Chaviva can, on her
visit to Monsey. I've never been there and hate to think that my perfectly tsniusly me would be considered risqué there.

LB has spent
too much time on the road.

something serious from NY's Funniest Rabbi.

A Simple Jew
listens to his soul.

Yechezkel leaves us in suspense.
Will the hat come back?

OU is promoting staying in North America. Isn't it time to promote aliyah instead?

Lady-Light's hubby has joined
the unemployed. They're hoping that he'll get a job offer in the HolyLand, even Tel Aviv.

My husband
criticizes the wording of a letter Seymour Reich had in the New York Times.

This may be "lo relevanti" (not relevant) before I even post this Havel Havelim, but it gives you a
view of Benji's inner sanctum. He needs to sublet his room for the first half of the summer. Hey, Benji, if you get your renter via this HH, I expect a commission!

What could be more Jewish than a
bubby bragging about her grandchildren, even if one of them didn't set any world record in early walking?

Jack's taking his "new k'domet" very seriously and reflecting quite a bit on his life.

The Bible Belt Baleboosteh is looking for a way for her daughter to "
trade" some undesirable (for her at least) Bat Mitzvah gifts. When we got married there was a great store called "The This For That Shop," and we traded away all sorts of "not quite us" gifts. That's how I got my late, lamented and already broken, pyrex mixing bowl set and my classic pyrex measuring cup. BBB, please don't forget to remind your daughter that she won't remain Bat Mitzvah age forever, and some of the gifts will suit her then. Remember that you can always repackage them and send them off as gifts to other "lucky" kids. Maybe these presents are on a long journey…

This isn't a joke, but it's a great way of explaining the truth behind the allegations of alleged Israeli brutality.

Jew in The City tries to explain to a neighbor
that not all of us religious Jews are the same.

This time
Toby's sign is from a candy. I hope it tastes better than its English.

I must admit that I'm one of
Frum Satire's commenters. We're not all that an exclusive group.

Benji found some instructional
signs for those needing to toilet train kids, one for him and one for her. "NO," did you say? That's what they look like to me.

Harry-er explains "
shidduch dating" in baseball terms. This can cause some major misunderstandings when people who define the terms differently don't realize that they're not speaking the same lingo.

mourns Mendi Rodan.

It's very possible that Rodan knew
Bobby Danziger who played the bassoon in the Gallil and Haifa Symphonies (and sometimes for the Jerusalem Symphony) in the late 1970s. He also passed away very recently. I couldn't find a youtube of Bobby, so here's his daughter Raquy.

Fred introduces us to Ursula the sculptor.

This was a tough one to put in a category. I chose culture, because it reminded me of the Dead Poets Society's "Seize the Day." The
Rebbitzin's Husband explains it better, L'Chaim!

Ya'aqov sent in a link to his post about
Depeche Mode. OK… I feel pretty stupid not knowing who they are. I figured out from the post that it's a band. (I'm not all that stupid.) Ya'aqov, I love your blog. Why couldn't you send me a post I could relate to?

The Israel Situation posts about the
New Ramallah News Station which Tries to Be Balanced. I wish that the Israeli media would make an effort.
Read Rahel's 100 word story.

And now for a few reminders:
Every blogger who submitted a post is included here. If you didn't submit any, then there's no guarantee that the host will surf and search your blog. Even though
I really enjoyed putting this Havel Havelim together, it doesn't negate the fact that it involved many, many hours of my time. Please send around the link and blog about it. The more exposure Havel Havelim gets the more hits the individual posts will receive. I'm double-posting this on both Shiloh Musings and me-ander.

This appears in the UberCarnival.

Please send in posts for JPIX, Havel Havelim and the Kosher Cooking Carnival. If you'd like to host a KCC, please let me know, shilohmuse at yahoo dot com And if you'd like to host a Havel Havelim, contact Jack, talktojacknow@sbcglobal.net. For JPIX, contact Leora, blog@leoraw.com . To get an idea of how to put together blog carnivals, read How To Host a Blog Carnival #1 and How To Host a Blog Carnival #2
And don't forget:Please put up a blurb on your blog to encourage your fans to visit Havel Havelim.If there are any foul-ups/mistakes, please let me know, thanks.
Shavua Tov U'Mevorach!
May You Have A Good and Blessed Week!