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Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Birthday Party #1

The Movie Club made me a birthday party last night. And the best baker in the neighborhood made a mint-chocolate cake and claimed that she didn't know that I'm a mint addict. Now if you're looking for an example of siyata d'Shmaya, that's it to a minty T!

Another neighbor made a nut-topped fruit salad, filled with every fruit you can imagine. Totally delicious!

We watched a very healthy movie, Cat Ballou. Yes, of course it's a healthy movie, because we laughed a lot, and laughing is good for your health!

I certainly have the best neighbors in the world!


  1. You look good! Great smile. Happy Birthday.

    I think I saw Cat Ballou many moons ago.

  2. Leora, thanks so much!
    It is an old movie, but we only watch them old or older...

  3. Anonymous20/5/09 10:16

    Happy birthday, even if I am a bit late on this one.

  4. Thank you!
    ilanadavita, you're not late at all. Today's my Jewish birthday and next week is the goyish date.

  5. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! You look terrific and very happy.

  6. thanks, keli,
    My friends are really great!


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