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Friday, May 08, 2009

A "First Time"

Life's just a series of "first times," isn't it? It's just a matter of frequency and attitude.

Well, yesterday, I was in the Jerusalem Central Bus Station with time to spare, and I suddenly remembered that I was running out of bus tickets. Every month or two I buy a supply with my charge card, so I don't have to deal with cash and change when getting on buses. Also now, since I'm spending less, I have to find good reasons to use my charge card. An under use is going to cost money. Not good to be fined for trying to save.

As I went through my standard order, starting with "two cards to be used in Jerusalem," it suddenly hit me. I may be old enough for the "senior discount" one. I asked, and yes, my next birthday does qualify me.
"But you can only use it from the day you turn --."

I quickly checked my stash of bus tickets, and there was one left, just enough to cover me until then. So I bought one senior discount card.

The only really disappointing aspect was that she didn't demand to see my ID.


  1. Anonymous8/5/09 06:28

    Under-use on the credit card costs money??

  2. Yes, they make their money from a percentage of our purchases, so if we don't buy enough we're fined.

  3. Yea, you have to use 4-5 times a month....

  4. Will you meet me at the bus station if I call ahead? I just miss it so much, and for one crummy reason (a health in the family reason) won't be there this summer. So you can say Sure.

  5. I love my new discount!!!!

  6. rickismom, thanks. That's the advantage of multiple payments for a single purchase. They count.

    doc, just let me know the next time you're here.

  7. Risa, what else is discounted?

  8. Anonymous8/5/09 16:06

    Minimums and fees?! Ridiculous. Here, I make a point of doing business with companies that don't charge fees or enforce minimums. I also heard that online banking transactions cost money - is this true??

  9. t, I'm not an expert, but that's how it works here via the bank.


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