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Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Amazing Email

The modern world is really something.

Here in Shiloh we have an email group. It's used for all sorts of things, like "lost and found," getting rides, jobs and even babysitters. I used it to give away some shoes and even food we couldn't finish.

We announce celebrations and tragedies. We have "discussions," too.

This morning I realized that I had to find a new volunteer to bring the Torah Tidbits before Shabbat. The neighbor who had conscientiously and reliably brought it to Shiloh every week for many, many years had just moved to Jerusalem. Somehow, I had been entrusted with the job of finding a replacement.

I wrote up a bilingual announcement. English, because the English-speakers are familiar with Torah Tidbits and probably read it. Hebrew, because you don't have to a knowledgeable of English to do a great mitzvah.

Within a short time, there was a reply by a neighbor who works in NDS, an enormous high tech company. She wrote that she sees boxes of TT's delivered every week and wondered if we could get it that way.

I quickly called Toni, who's in charge of TT distribution. Yes, it would be fine. NDS is second only to the Israel Center in the number of Torah Tidbits distributed, over 1,500!

So, G-d willing, tomorrow my neighbor will take over the job!

Tizki l'Mitzvot.
May you be rewarded with more Mitzvot.


  1. I'm glad to hear that you found a new volunteer. Shabbat without the TT just wouldn't be the same...

  2. Thanks, Mrs S, you are so right!

  3. Anonymous9/7/09 11:15

    Yes, the internet is a blessing nowadays. Keep sharing more of your experiences!

    This is Joshua from Israeli Uncensored News


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