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Monday, July 13, 2009

My Dream Job!

Wouldn't it be nice to be paid to blog? If I had a day job, I'd gladly give it up to blog. The situation is that I don't have a day job, not any more. Lots of talents, skills, experience etc, but I'm not making a living from it.

Last year I heard about people who are paid to blog. I wonder how I could get into the field. It's a new type of public relations. I used to work in public relations, over twenty-five years ago. I've also worked in all sorts of sales positions. I have to stop dreaming and find out how to really get a job like this.


  1. Maybe a blog about weight loss, healthy living, etc?

  2. There's this one blog that I follow....in which the gal doesn't get paid but she might as well. Major companies are constantly sending her things "to review".......a refrigerator, a $600 stroller, shoes for her kids, and more and more..........it's almost a little bit sick, cuz she gets something then of course blogs about it, and it sometimes comes off as a sticky sweet commercial.......

    I'm just jealous! and I'm the first to admit it.......

  3. t' the diet blogging hasn't gotten me new visitors, and it seems like my diet carnival isn't worth the time I spend on it. I don't promote products. My diet is too easy.

    emah s, I think I saw her blog. Can you just imagine it in Israel, when the tax authority would charge me a fortune for all the freebies?

    But there must be some way...

  4. Anonymous14/7/09 00:06

    I wish I could blog for money too!


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