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Sunday, July 19, 2009

There's Nothing Like Dieting To Make People Gain Weight!

I used to refuse to even think of dieting for just that reason. Say the word, and I was hungry!

Then I learned the trick, adjusted the diet I got from Start Fresh and I began to lose weight. I sure don't feel like I'm dieting. Of course, there are things I don't eat, but I don't feel deprived refusing them. I eat so many other foods which fill me up and keep me satisfied.

I'm not the only person touting the method. I find more and more articles refuting the old mantra which proclaimed:

"The best way to lose weight is to keep your mouth shut. Don't eat."

Now, it's:

"Eat, and eat frequently! Just eat the right foods in the right proportions."

Veteran dieters have trouble with the idea that they shouldn't suffer. I see that among the women I counsel. That's what makes diet coaching so challenging.

You must eat enough proteins, fats and complex carbohydrates to lose weight. And you must eat every few hours, like a newborn baby. And newborns should eat every two hours most of the time, like many babies demand. The four hour schedule which many of us were forced on may have set us up for our present weight problems. Even three hours, for many infants, isn't frequent enough.


  1. I have found that the trick is:
    1. eat the right foods
    (But that is not enough)
    2. Be Busy
    3. Be active (my appitite has gone down since I started walking)
    4 SLEEP enough

  2. Good points, especially about the sleeping and being busy. Quite often we eat because we're bored or tired.

    Frequent small meals are a must. Never get hungry. That's when you lose control.


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