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Sunday, August 23, 2009

First Lesson, On Track

I'm back in the saddle, as they say. I just got up from the other computer after writing up what will probably be my first lesson of the year.

I have an idea for an additional "first," and after those two, I'll be teaching from the books, more rather than less.

I love making up my own lessons like this. That's the fun of teaching, being creative. The girls in the school are very different than the boys I had taught. I'll also be having more weekly hours than I had with the boys. That gives me more of a chance to get things done. I'll be teaching all levels, which is interesting.

It's funny that I was schlepping around in my slipper-shoes and feeling very schleppy. So I took them off and changed into more energetic sandals and the energy really began to flow.


  1. As Fly-Lady used to (maybe still does, probably) say "dressed to the shoes".
    Good luck with the new job!

  2. Risa said exactly what i was going to say...
    i never wear "shoes" that flylady would approve of, but I don't wear "kafkafim".
    Good luck with your students! they are lucky to get such a good sub teacher!

  3. Risa, sara g, thanks to both of you! I can't wear closed shoes in the summer, but I'll have to stop with the "slow" sandals after the pool/shower. My energy is totally different depending on what's on my feet. Flylady is right in principle. I guess if she bought the good Nayot Sandals she'd approve.


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