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Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Nu, So I Finally Twit

I opened a Twitter Account. I don't know what the point is, but when I registered and read the program of the The Second International Jewish Bloggers Convention, I realized that I had to "march with the times." Maybe it's blog with the times...

I have my facebook, youtube, wejew etc. And I also use a digital camera and obviously a computer.

Call me a thoroughly modern Grannie!


  1. tnspr5694/8/09 07:44

    It's about what you have to share/offer, as Hillel Fuld, of technmarketing.com, says. There are a few good posts about Twitter there to get you started.

    mashable.com is also a great source of information - LOTS of information! If you have the time, it's a valuable resource.

  2. Thanks
    One thing I don't plan on is having my phone beep twits all day. Let's keep this on the computer.

  3. I just followed you. I hope you'll follow back! Learn how to @people so you can have quick conversations. Most of my Twitter stuff is Wordpress or New Jersey, but if you @me (@leoraw), I'd be happy to talk Shiloh!

  4. ok... but email is more private, right?

  5. Batya, definitely, use email if you need privacy (and even then, email isn't always so private).

    If you want a conversation that others can read, that's what Twitter is for! You want them to eavesdrop. You want them to join the conversation.

  6. Thanks!
    Is there a jblog group or anything like that I should join?


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