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Thursday, September 03, 2009

Getting Ready For That "First Day"

Yes, that's my name on my official Teachers Locker.  Today, I meet some of my students and start teaching.  This new school, besides the fact they are both high schools, is totally and utterly different from the one I used to teach in.
Yesterday, before going to bed, I packed my bag, wrote my name on the books I'm bringing, just like a well-prepared student!  In Pirkei Avot, Ethics of the Fathers, it says (someplace--no time to search) that the best teachers, or is it "the wise," people, learn from everyone.  So, yes, that makes me a student, too!


  1. Anonymous3/9/09 08:26

    I didn't know Israelis wrote the second name before the first. We do this in France too but not as a rule and not on lockers!
    Good luck for today. I am meeting my first students this afternoon.

  2. Ilana-Davita - Sometimes they do, and sometimes they don't. In fact, I've seen names written both ways in the very same list! (Maybe I should blog about this...)

  3. There are dozens and dozens on the staff, maybe, probably a hundred or more, and the boxes are in alphabetical order, according to last names. simple reason

    In the school where I used to teach, we were fewer, so the boxes went by first names.

  4. Anonymous3/9/09 23:38

    There are also more than a hundred of us and our lockers are also in alphabetical orders but still our first names come first; go figure!
    How old are your students? Is your school a state or private school?

  5. It's easier to find this way.
    This is one of the largest girls high schools and nearby.
    Two of my daughters are graduates. It was smaller, then.


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