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Sunday, September 27, 2009

Today, On The Eve of Yom Kippur, Yom HaDin, The Day of Judgement...

I should be concentrating on the spiritual, how to improve myself and repent in terms of both types of mitzvot (G-d given Commandments) those between Man and G-d and those between Man and Fellow Man.

Instead, my mind is buzzing with other things. 
  • I have to plan and email a series of "extra" lessons to the high school where I work.  It's required that we have a few emergency lessons on file.  I haven't taken care of it, and now I must.  As a high school teacher I have extra days off, and I really ought to use them for work.  I usually love writing up these sorts of lessons.  As soon as I start it should be fun.  That's why I'd probably be good at textbook writing.
  • I must cook the food for the pre- and post-Yom Kippur fast.  Last week, I cooked the chicken.  Hopefully, it will be enough for both meals.  My husband is making his chicken soup, which he and my married daughter and crew enjoy.  I'll be making a complex carbohydrate-rich vegetable-lentil soup.  And of course, I have to cook the side-dishes, enough for both meals.
  • And what's really paralyzing my mind is how to get to New York and bring my father back very quickly while I'm still on vacation and make sure he has medical insurance here, until we can make him an oleh chadash, new immigrant.
So, that's my game plan.  Using my coaching skills, another future career, writing it out is a first step.  Time to get on with my day.  At least the house is clean, being that it's only Sunday, and it didn't get dirty on Shabbat.


  1. Wow, he's moving?

    Hope everything works out.


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