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Friday, October 16, 2009

I Have Returned to 888 New Letters in The Inbox

I'm back from New York.  And I brought my father here. During the week and a half I was away, I was also away from computers, email and blogging.  888, yes, eight hundred and eighty-eight new letters greeted me at the inbox, and most were either spam or not important enough to read. Four hundred and eighty-eight were in the spam box.  I've been doing my best to delete the letters and time-wasting curiosity.

There's lots to do in the house, and I must get ready to resume teaching.  And considering that my very elderly father (89 years old, bli eyin haraa) is here as an oleh chadash, new immigrant, my time will be taken by persuits with higher priority than blogging.  That means that I'll probably blog less.

Here's what I wrote this morning on Shiloh Musings.


  1. Welcome back!

  2. batya,
    mazal tov (is that the correct thing to say?) on your father's aliya. may your mother soon join him, and may they both have an easy klita, with children, grandchildren and great grandchildren until 120. (my father z"l used to say "until 100 like 20" so take whichever one you want..)
    sara g

  3. Mazal Tov to your father for taking the big step. Many more happy years iyh in the Holy Land.

  4. sara g, JDJ, thanks to both of you!!

  5. You are doing an amazing mitzvah by taking care of your father. Hatzlocha!

  6. Frayda, thanks
    I've learned to just go with the flow ans they say.


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