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Thursday, October 29, 2009

Wow! A Party for Me?

I was really surprised when my fellow English Teachers called me over during the food break and made me a little going away party.

Yes!  Going away!

I've left my subbing job.  There's a limit to my abilities, getting my father settled and getting ready for my mother's arrival.  The teaching, especially as a new teacher to that school, was just too much simultaneously with all that I must do for my parents.

They also gave me a present.  I was floored, so surprised.

Then after teaching I had to get home quickly to take my father to the doctor (one I had never met before.)  At the clinic, my father got his flu shot, and the doctor checked for Israeli meds which are like some of my father's.  Then the doctor said:
"I know what you're going through.  My wife's parents came to Israel.  It was so much work and stress that she quit her job."
"How did you know?  I just did that.  Today was my last day!"
Yes, that's the story.


  1. So, I guess I wish you many years of taking care of them in good health.

  2. It's always nice to be appreciated!!

    Good luck with your parents!!

    I wish my parents would make aliyah!!

  3. Breath deep - and remember to exhale - slowly!

  4. Oops!
    That's BREATHE deep - and remember to exhale - slowly!

  5. RivkA, I wish my parents had made aliyah at an age and physical condition when they could have really enjoyed it. It seems that many keep refusing to move from their homes when they are capable and then find themselves enslaved by their possessions.

    There's a lot I'll miss by leaving teaching, but I just can't do it all.

    Sara Laya, thanks for the reminder!

  6. What Risa said.
    I know someone else who is going through this. It is very challenging.

  7. Thanks
    Yes, I'm not the first and I won't be the last. It's just so unexpected. I'm doing my best.


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