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Wednesday, October 28, 2009

You Don't Have To Be Chareidi To Boycott Stores With Obscene Advertising Posters

Smart move by the FOX clothing chain to take down their pornographic posters.  Are they selling clothes or sex?

FOX actually has a good product and reasonable prices, but I've boycotted their stores and many others when I have considered their advertising offensive. 

I won't walk into stores decorated by smut, and I've walked out when the music played has obscene lyrics or too loud and unpleasant for my ears.

Nobody who knows anything about me and my opinions could ever mistake me for Chareidi.


  1. ...not that there would be anything wrong with that...

  2. True, but the stores/businesses should know that they're turning away more than chareidi customers by advertising with pornography.

  3. Right, there is a lot of plain common sense in haredi attitudes

  4. Yes, at least they're not embarrassed to say what they believe.


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