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Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Turning Wintery

Nothing's more beautiful than the wintery sky here in Shiloh.  The summer sky is boring, all blue, but as winter approaches, the humidity and clouds make it a visual wonderland. 

May G-d bless us with plentiful rain.


  1. Me, I'd probably be at home in the Golan; there just fell this past Shabbat 12 inches of snow here, and it's in the 20s (F), which is below zero Centigrade (don't have my chart handy, so don't know exactly how cold).

  2. me, i always love the sky here. summer it has this deep blue, winter it always changes. love it love it love it.

  3. ll, snow already, gevalt!

    a, I just took more sky pictures walking up the hill home.

  4. If the picture alone I find inspiring, I can only imagine how soothing and wonderful it must be to see and feel these sights for real. G-d bless our Israel!

  5. I'm glad that my artistic media are photography and crocheting hats. I could never paint a picture that could do justice to G-d's art work.

  6. You know, I need to take pictures here as well...that way I can post them not only on my blog, but also send them to JPIX, the Jewish Pic Carnival. (See, I'm being good; I'm doing lots of commenting on your blogs...!)

  7. lady, you're great!! And you do have to post them and send the post to JPIX.
    Now hosting a carnival would really put you in the ballgame. How about a KCC?


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