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Sunday, December 27, 2009

Dance to Baila's Havel Havelim

All day I've been hopping over to Baila's blog to check if her Havel Havelim had been posted already.  I was hungry, fasting on this Asarah B'Tevet and had been hoping that her Havel Havelim would take my mind off of food.

Well, just as I was eating my dessert, Shabbat's Baked Apples, I found it.  And... my posts got top spot. 

Of course, yes, it was certainly worth waiting for!  There are lots and lots of great posts to check out.  Please do! 

Enjoy! Thanks!


  1. Awww...you posted my picture!!! Thanks.

  2. This way people will know that they got to the right place, nu...


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