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Saturday, December 05, 2009

I Ate Too Much

Yes, I ate too much fruit today.  My meals were fine, and at the kiddush I had some herring.  But my friend who "eats raw" brought the most delicious apple pie.  The crust was nuts and dates all soaked and chopped with some other stuff, and the filling was full of fresh apple slices and cinnamon.  It was a giant pie and I just finished it off.

And that wasn't the only fruit I ate. 

My weekly shiur, Bible Class, was in my house.  I cut up lots of fruit: two types of grapefruit, red and pink, an orange, apples and a banana.  We ate them with toothpicks on napkins.  It was a popular snack.  Nobody touched the cake!  It certainly is easy to entertain "healthy."

Before I changed my way of eating when I began the Start Fresh Diet a year ago, I didn't snack much and ate little fruit.  It was so hard for me to get used to enforced snacking.  Now it's all natural, and I'm over 35 lbs (16 kilo) less than I was when I started.  Losing weight was lots easier than I could imagine.  Of course, I hope to lose more, but if I stay what I presently weigh, that would be fine, too.

I've ended up on a modified low carbohydrate diet.  It suits me and my blood type.  There are weeks when I make vegetable soup and end up eating lots more carbs than usual, but it's not the end of the world, and modern diet experts say that you should vary calorie intake.

It's good that I've finished that pie, so I can stop thinking about it.

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