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Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Oops! A Blooper!!

Not in my blog, but at the Arutz 7 news site.  They mixed up some wejew videos.  Instead of a news one about the Arab terrorist supporter  former Member of Knesset Azmi Bishara, they put up a comedy by the multi-talented Sharon Katz of Voices, Raise Your Spirits Theater and Dames of the Dance and a blogger, too.

Check out the A7 article before someone catches it and corrects it.  I had wanted to post the video, but it's copyright protected and it couldn't be copied.


  1. Anonymous1/12/09 10:13

    I just checked, and the DANCE NIGHT charity laugh-a-minute video is still up instead of Azmi Bashara. You know what, if DAMES of the DANCE can be substituted every time there's a video made of a hater-of-Israel, it will be a better world. Sharon Katz - www.voices-magazine.com
    PS - The video is still up.


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