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Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Ruby Tuesday Playing Blackjack

I was inspired by Risa's Ruby Tuesday picture and decided to search my most recent CD for something with red.

And so I discovered the deck of cards has just the right red for us.

In this picture my father and our young neighbor are playing Blackjack, but his usual game of choice is Casino.  As a CPA should, he still can calculate quite well, probably better than the youngsters who are much too dependent on electric calculators, whether on their phones, computers or whatever.

On Tuesdays, just post any photo you like (it must be one of your own) that contains the color RED and then link to this blog.


  1. Nice to see you participating. It's a cute meme. Hope all is well by you.

  2. It just worked for me this week. You can always remind me. Nobody has commented but you. I was looking for a good excuse to post the picture!

    How was the trip?
    We must f2f.

  3. That is what my dad and daughter love to do hehehe.

    My Ruby Tuesday calls for a new goal next year, to SAVE! Wishing you a bountiful new year!

  4. Joops, thanks so much. Cards are great for the mind.

  5. Happy New Year!
    Nice photo.

  6. Glad your father is having a good time! Yes, perfect for Ruby Tuesday. So fun to see you joining in.

  7. Thanks I love your RT logo.


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