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Wednesday, January 20, 2010

I Doubt If The Trick Will Work Here

This was posted on Hadassah's facebook page.  I guess that the vast majority of bloggers wish we had more visits.  There are a few mega bloggers who get thousands a day, but I'm no where near there, not in a week nor month either.  OK, in a month a couple thousand on this blog, but considering the amount of posts and effort.... ehh.

Next week I'll be posting the 50th Kosher Cooking Carnival.  Actually, I've done a lot of work on it already, but you can still send your posts in.


  1. I still read your blog...and every now and then I take out the time to comment.

    Look forward to KCC.

  2. Thanks, I visit you, too.

  3. i read your blog. never feel as if i have anything exciting to say, but i am here

  4. Anonymous20/1/10 21:04

    I read every workday (M-F) and comment periodically.

  5. Lisa, Frayda, it's nice to know that you read it and you that you say nice things. (not like the cartoon)

  6. I am usually limited to skimming unless the topic looks interesting. Only so much can be done in 24 hours.......
    Only comment if I feel I have what to add, for the same reason

  7. You must be so amazingly busy.

    The cartoon has brought me comments!

  8. Anonymous21/1/10 14:19

    I read, I don't often have much to add...

  9. Darling, yes I see that you're busy on fb and all. Enjoy! Shabbat Shalom


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