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Monday, January 18, 2010

Thank G-d, My Plans May Be Ruined

G-d has been good to us, and it started raining last night.  He even arranged things to encourage me to exercise by stopping the rain just long enough for me to "do" my two neighborhood circuits.

It's funny; I wasn't the only one pounding the pavement in the name of fitness.  There was a guy getting his body ready for the army and a few young kids running.  And there were a couple of heavier than they should be guys on a regular fitness walk.  I see them frequently when I'm walking at night.

Today, if G-d wants me to and takes a break from the rain at the time I plan on leaving, I hope to go to Neve Yaakov to the swimming pool.  Even on our rainiest days, there are periodic breaks.  My bag is packed, just in case.  I also got up early enough.  If I can't go to the pool, I'll try some other way of exercising.

The rain is the most important thing.  It's a blessing, a much needed blessing.


  1. Dear Batya,

    Thank you for leaving me a comment on my blog. I am really enjoying covering my hair. I love this mitzvah, too.


  2. Melissa, thanks, I hope we'll now get to know each other better through our blogs.


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