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Monday, February 08, 2010

Expensive Glasses, Hearing Aids, I Wonder... A Scam? More in the Saga...

I've been thinking about writing this for a while.  Yes, it's more in the saga of my taking care of my very elderly father.

Before his shower, he walks around without his glasses and hearing aids.  I don't see any difference in function between that time of the day  and when he has the glasses on and the hearing aids in.  This can be seen especially when he's unaware, like when his glasses were broken and didn't have lenses.  He didn't say that his vision was affected.  When my lens was just slightly out of kilter, I panicked, because I couldn't read.  My father didn't notice that his lenses weren't in.  

And when his hearing aid fell out and got caught in his scarf, he didn't notice that either.  The only thing he does notice is when the battery is dead.  And I think that the reason is that the deadened hearing aid blocks his hearing.
So I wonder if all these expensive things are really necessary.  Outdoors he'd probably see better if he didn't have those special indoor/outdoor lenses which get so dark.

Am I just being my usual contrary, or have other people noticed similar phenomena? 


  1. I think it may be mind over matter. We may have failing faculties, but if our mind is truly unaware that our aids are missing does our brain compensate by igniting a part we wouldn't usually use? I know without my glasses I can't see far, yet I have walked out of the house before, forgetting them and didn't notice right away.

  2. Erin, it could be that if he tried watching tv without them, he'd notice the difference.

    I really wonder how much it all helps. I certainly wouldn't spend lots of money without proof.

  3. As a 26 year old wearing hearing aids since I was 5, I can tell you that properly fitted and digitally formatted expensive hearing aids makes a difference- for the people with whom I interact. As my hearing aids got fancier over the years (I'm on my third set), my family and friends noticed that my speech was better and they didn't have to repeat things as frequently. I remember trying to convince my grandparents to get hearing aids as they got older not so much for them but for their family who frequently got frustrated talking to them. In my opinion, expensive hearing aids can significantly improved your quality of life only if they are programmed correctly. If not, you might as well wear cheap ones. Perhaps, the reason your father doesn't notice when his hearing aids fall out is because he doesn't hear any better with them and in that case, I'd recommend getting them adjusted with his audiologist or perhaps getting a different set.

  4. Rachel, thanks for the input about it. I think that part of his problem is "processing" information, since he also suffers dementia. At this point he's comfortable with what he has. The advantage of their being large is that it's easier to find them, a priority for us.

  5. Rachel, thanks for the input about it. I think that part of his problem is "processing" information, since he also suffers dementia. At this point he's comfortable with what he has. The advantage of their being large is that it's easier to find them, a priority for us.


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