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Sunday, February 21, 2010

If At First You Don't Succeed...

I'm trying again.  Call this Part One, because after over an hour, only two pictures succeeded in uploading onto the blog.

I wasn't raised on Israeli flora and fauna.  I barely know the names of the plants I bought.  My knowledge of fauna is pretty general, like dogs, cats and birds.

So, here are two out of the five pictures I tried to post.  No, I don't know their names!

If you do, please educate us in the comments.  Thanks


  1. The bird is most likely the Eurasian Jay http://images.google.com/images?hl=en&tbs=isch%3A1&sa=1&q=Eurasian+Jay&aq=f&oq=&aqi=&start=0&social=false

  2. Pesky, you never cease to amaze me. Thanks
    Whatever it's called it's a pretty one.

  3. ok, grass look fammiliar to me, as for bird even though i am israeli citizen-i see it for the first time...

  4. gilon, well, it's not quite the grass you'll find on a golf course or in England... this ipicture has crabgrass, weeds and wildflowers. There goes my knowledge of the flora.

  5. BTW, the flowers by the second from the bottom step are cyclamen (http://www.sobkowich.com/products/Cyclamen/index.html)

    The big pink-purple flowers in the foreground are thistle (http://www.christopherhobbs.com/website/herbal/database/herbs/milk_thistle_lib.html)

  6. I should really call this:
    Whatever your question, just call Pesky.

    You're amazing!

  7. Nah, I just got really lucky with the Google-fu... although I did already know the plants.

  8. Pesky, you're just modest and probably have a more sprightly computer than I do.


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