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Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Yes, A Sports Bar and Grill in Jerusalem!

The color scheme for Jerusalem's new Sports Bar & Grill is red and mustard yellow, making this a perfect Ruby Tuesday post.

HaGov, The Lion's Den
Sports Bar & Grill
5 Yoel Solomon Street
Shomer Shabbat, Kosher

Open Every night except Friday
7pm (Saturday night opening time later) until 4am

On Tuesdays, just post any photo you like (it must be one of your own) that contains the color RED and then link to this blog.


  1. At The Lion’s Den,
    you can have a drink or two—
    but not with Daniel!

    Piper Clad in Red

  2. Anonymous23/2/10 15:46

    How exciting! I love the fact that he sells Guinness (a meal in a glass, in my opinion!). I hope it works out really well.


  3. mmt, whatever, thanks for visiting

    shavuatov, thanks! this is very exciting

  4. Looks like a ferociously wonderful place to visit! Hope it's a roaring success.

  5. What lovely photos roaring back at us!

    How exciting, indeed!

  6. Love the color scheme! And those brick walls are stunning--very cave like and ancient but new at the same time!

    Doubtful missionaries would venture into a pub with that name lol. Great name.

  7. Leora, JW, love those comments!

    keli, thanks, but one must beware

  8. A real sports bar, what fun. Tell him if he manages to get the NHL playoffs even I'll make the treck up to Jerusalem!

  9. MMT--LOL.

    But since it's an Israeli pub I'm sure there will be at least a couple of guys named Daniel in there every night lol.

    Instead of ladies night they should have Daniels night once a week. Free drinks for all Daniels in honor of the biblical Daniel.

    (Right you are Batya. Missionaries lurk everywhere).

  10. Robin, if it's on TV they should get it. Contact them on facebook; search for Hagov. Ask Gani and Yonah if you want to make sure.

    Keli, there's a limit as to what I can suggest. I offered to make vegetable soup, but it hasn't been cold enough to make the offer tempting.


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