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Thursday, March 11, 2010

Reflecting, I've Never Considered Myself A Feminist

I came of age when Feminism was rather new and anti-motherhood.  That was probably a major element that turned me off of Feminism.  All I had ever wanted to be was to be a mother.

I never saw motherhood as a second class existence.  An outside job and salary never seemed more attractive than taking care of my children.  And yes, I've worked, sometimes more than a full-time job.  I've had many, many different kinds of jobs over the years.  Besides the short couple of years I taught Creative Dance, none of them really inspired me.  Thirty years ago  taught Creative Dance in Jerusalem, and it was beginning to catch on.  More schools wanted me to teach their girls than I had time to do.  Then we moved to Shiloh, and the person in charge of after-school activities didn't understand what it was.

Hmmm... That wasn't the point of this post.  Oops!  Now back on topic!

Maybe it's being of the generation which has heard decades of feminist philosophy, but I do have certain expectations, OK, demands.  And I do not tolerate certain slights, insults, even if they are caused by careless reading.

Yesterday afternoon, in one of my first stages of pre-Passover cleaning I finally cut out my "National Jewish Post & Opinion" articles to file (OK just store) away.  I also cut and collected, in a separate envelope, the American stamps from the envelopes the newspapers were in and sent an email to our Shiloh email list.  I signed my name, Batya.  One neighbor quickly replied that he was interested, so I told him to come over to get them.  A short while later, another neighbor replied, addressing the note to my husband.  That neighbor won't get them.  Even if he had been the first to reply, he wouldn't get them.

Why should he take for granted that my husband sent the note?  It's bilingual and includes my name.  Usually, I tell the one who gets the stamps who else is interested, so he/she can
pass on the duplicates.

I won't include the guy who wrote to my husband.  Why should I put him on the list?  It would be proof that I read my husband's mail, nu? 


  1. Anonymous11/3/10 08:50

    could it be that your husbands publications are more widely known, and so he assumed it came from him?

  2. "An outside job and salary never seemed more attractive than taking care of my children." Even when they were adolescents? I felt as you did, until my kids hit their teens.

  3. a, this is the family email. I signed the letter. The person who replied knows me.

    sp613, I worked for money on the most part. I did enjoy my jobs, even the most unlikely. They filled my days when the kids were all in school.


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