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Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Rocking Ruby Tuesday

With my eagle eyes always searching for something red to shoot, I spied this red plastic see-saw perched on the entrance to a storage basement.  No, I haven't the vaguest idea why or how it got there.

Your guess is as good as mine.

There's always something interesting in Shiloh to shoot for Ruby Tuesday.

On Tuesdays, just post any photo you like (it must be one of your own) that contains the color RED and then link to this blog.


  1. That is an interesting location...makes one wonder.

  2. To me it looks like a gigantic LEGO™!!!

    My R T today is A Ruby Ship's Bollard This is my invitation for you to come pay me a visit if you can find time!!

    Have a super, great day!

  3. Batya, if someone thinks he/she is hiding that thing he/she should think again! Nice find.
    Now what 'that thing' is?? A see-saw might as well be, teeter totter I doubt. :)

    Happy RT! Thanks for peeking in on my signs and scooter. Please come back again.

  4. Anonymous2/3/10 17:46

    Great find for this meme!

  5. That is what makes it all the more interesting. How it got there.

  6. Thanks, I'm glad you RT's like it. I have no idea how it got up there, unless the parents wanted the kids to lay off for a while, or they didn't want anyone to take it while they were away.

    Call the it "RT Mystery"

  7. I guess they made it ready for your RT meme!!JJJ!

  8. I guess I also need to hunt around our place to have more red pictures..such a good idea...thanks Batya!

  9. Good eye, indeed! Nice shot with the popping red radiating.

  10. Great eye on this one! I like how the red draws us in...

  11. Nice catch, I could see my daughter climbing up to try it out though, yikes.

    PS No idea who the artist is unfortnately. It's from that same batch of Nahalat Binyamin shots. I was so busy shooting that I completely forgot to grab cards so I could credit the artists. I'll get back there and track them down eventually.

  12. Thanks again. This seems to be the most successful Ruby Tuesday so far. If my computer will behave, I'll be able to visit more of you.


Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Please visit again.