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Monday, March 22, 2010

Wild "Ruby Tuesday" Flowers at Tel Shiloh

Last Tuesday I didn't Ruby Tuesday, but I did take this picture at Tel Shiloh, the site of the Ancient City of Shiloh, yes, the Biblical one.  I live just over a mile east of it, "up the hill," as we locals say.  I live on the other side of the higher hill to the left of the picture.  It would be pretty accurate to say "just keep walking," sort of Forrest Gump style, and you'll get to my house.

According to Israeli Law, these flowers are protected, and it's illegal to pick them.  But you can shoot them with a camera, just like I did.

On Tuesdays, just post any photo you like (it must be one of your own) that contains the color RED and then link to work of the poet, the Ruby Tuesday host.


  1. Anonymous22/3/10 22:38

    Very pretty red spots!

  2. oh nice I like the tenacity of the flowers able to grow through the rock

  3. ilanadavita, they're not spots
    Those are flowers.

    marcia, they don't grow through the rock. It's that the rock isn't smooth, and the flowers grow in dirt in the indentations and between the stones..

  4. They look like poppies - kalaniyot? Like the song? A bit like Monet's poppies. Wonderful spring greeting they present.

  5. Isn't it amazing that even a little bit of red really shows up. Nice imagexlynda

  6. Wow look at those beautiful rubies on top of the rock.

    Blissful Ruby Tuesday

  7. What a beautiful surprise to see these flowers. Blessings on your Passover...

  8. Thanks to all of you for your visit and comments.

    I'm not sure they're poppies. I think they're the smaller red flower which blooms afterwards. I never quite learned the flora. A friend showed up with a book about Israeli wild flowers and was busy identifying everything.

    I just go crazy photographing all the beuty.

  9. Very nice, it lest you could take a photo, Photos last longer anyway.
    Making it easier to visit.My Ruby Link for you


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