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Friday, April 02, 2010

Finally, A Nice Long Walk

As some of you readers should know, I've been plagued by an annoying, painful infection on my foot.  It has slowed me down more than I'd like to admit.  That plus pre-Passover cleaning and taking care of my very elderly father has kept me home and relatively sedentary.

Baruch Hashem, yesterday I got out.  I went to our Tel Shiloh for the festival.  I walked the whole way down from my house, wandered a bit there and then walked all the way up home.  I must have covered about four kilometers, close to two and a half miles.  It's nothing major, but considering how little I've walked recently, it's great.

And yes, Baruch Hashem, thank G-d, I felt fine.

PS G-d willing there will be pictures posted on Shiloh Musings and this blog, too, eventually.  Keep checking.  It isn't easy with my "senile" computers.


  1. Feel good, Batya. Remember that to take care of others, you need to take care of yourself! Hope walking can help.

    Shabbat Shalom.

  2. Thanks, Leora. I have been taking it easy. The hardest part of the holiday will be the end when my married daughter, her husband and the grandkids come. It's fun but a lot of work.


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