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Saturday, May 22, 2010

Killing Time. Waiting for the Computer to Compute...

Am I the only one with a slow computer?  I keep all sorts of handy gadgets by the keyboard, tweezers, nail file and sometimes a good book.  I don't crochet while waiting, because it takes too long to untangle.  Tonight after Shabbat, while I was waiting for ole clunky, I gave myself a manicure, yes, seriously.  I didn't get around to doing it before Shabbat, so, better late than never.

What do you do when waiting?


  1. Yes, my computer was also slow tonight. So I juggled reading with watching.

  2. Mine is always slow and sometimes even worse.

  3. I compulsively, nervously, fidgetingly TIDY UP! Not that ours are speed demons, but we could probably use a slower computer around here just so the tidying would get done... ;-)
    ~ Shavuah Tov from IComLeavWe (International Comment Leaving Week) #115!
    p.s. Forgiven! Take as long as you want with the meme... :-)))

  4. Jen, thanks. You wouldn't want a computer like mine. It has been slower than my father today. I would have finished the meme, but it needs breaks... as long as it just doesn't really break down....

    RivkA, wow! That's my famvorite time waster and Kirk Douglas plays it, too!

  5. Shalom!
    Not that it happens very often, but I either read something printed the old-fashioned way on paper or I bead. In our last, much more cramped, house my beading table was opposite the computer table and all I had to do was swivel the chair. Very convenient - unless someone else was on the computer while I beaded.

  6. Will it get harder to keep the beads around once the baby is a bit older?

  7. Shalom!
    Although it is annoying that the stairs to the second story are exterior, because the previous owner designed it as a separate apartment, it is easy to keep the work area, including dangerous materials and toys with small parts, far from baby. I would go crazy if Devora had easy access to my beading table, not to mention the tiny Lego blocks.

  8. So, she's growing up!


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