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Thursday, August 19, 2010

Trying to Rehydrate

Terrible heat wave in the Holy Land.  Staying home isn't an option, because we don't have air-conditioning.  Yesterday and today I escaped.  On both days I ended up spending time in the Israel Museum.  It has been totally renovated, expanded, modernized and made more comfortable.  Pictures to follow sometime next week.

Yesterday I went, because I was in Jerusalem and had nothing else to do.  Also it seemed a good idea to scout it out.

Good thing, because I was able to give it a hearty recommendation as substitute locale (instead of the zoo) for a family event.  Today was a big day in my family.  For the first time relatives came to Israel to do a Bar Mitzvah.

We met at the kotel for prayers, then divided up between Yad Vashem, hanging out in the hotel and the Israel Museum.  That's where the kids, their parents and me with two of my grandchildren went.  After that we, (including my husband and kids,) all met up at a restaurant for a nice meal.

It was a truly great day! 

Now I'm wiped out and not just from the heat.  In the museum I spent all the time carrying a heavy backpack and some of the time carrying my almost three year old grandson.  I'm no spring chicken! 


  1. I hate zoos! I will only go if kids really really want to go and I can't think of any alternative!

  2. Another thing in common! I've always hated zoos, even as a kid.

  3. I love zoos! I love museums! I love botanical gardens!
    Problem is, I don't go anywhere (except walk across the hall to my PC).

    Is there a swimming pool in Shiloh? I happen to live in a complex which has 3 pools, 1 outdoor and 2 indoor. I try to swim as often as I can (there usually is only one person in the pool: me). It's a great heat-relief and aerobic excercize, to boot.

    I hope and pray that Efrat has a community pool, although I don't think it does...what will I do without swimming??!

  4. What a great idea to beat the heat! Maybe I'll go next week...

  5. Shalom!
    Batya, you're welcome to visit us. We have air conditioning in every room downstairs. The PC is upstairs so bring a lap top with a modem that can pick up the signal from our router (we'll give you the password), or bring a book. Or enjoy cooking in a not blazing hot kitchen.
    LL, I love museums and botanical gardens too. The botanical garden in Chicago was the excursion highlight of visiting my grandmother. I haven't been to enough museums in Israel. I'm waiting for the kids to grow up a bit...

  6. LL, yes, we have a pool! So, you'll come to Shiloh. It's only open a few months a year. The rest of the year there are pools in Jerusalem.

    rickismom, if you don't have a museum partner, contact me!

    Hadassa, thanks! If the getting there was easy...

  7. Wow. You really are in good shape, trekking about in the heat with a toddler on ur hip.

    I am duly impressed and I thought I walked a lot. LOL. People say I've walked so much it's the equivalent of walking around the world.

    You should see the soles of my shoes at the end of the summer.

  8. Carrying a three year old on my hip isn't as easy as it once was.


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