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Monday, September 27, 2010

Creating, Having Fun!

My granddaughters can spend the whole day on arts & crafts.  My own kids were the same.  After we came back from Tel Shiloh's activities, they did more cutting, pasting and drawing in my house.

There's lots for the whole family to do at Tel Shiloh.  We've been having Succot and Passover activities for a few years already, and it's very popular.  Today it was packed and there was room for more.   Everyone seemed to be having a good time.  Some people brought their own food, but most bought.  There were a few succot up for eating in.

We didn't even do the touring and other activities.  My granddaughters were happy creating all sorts of fun things.


  1. I see you on RivkA's blog and Beneath the Wings. Anyhow, I am friend's with Z RivkA's SIL whom I spoke to this afternoon. RivkA is not doing well however they were all supposed to be late this afternoon or evening Beit Shemesh by Moshe's parents.

  2. Thanks for letting me know. I've been worrying about RivkA.


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