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Monday, September 13, 2010

Rolling Shteibel of Sorts

This morning, my first stage of travel to Matan was the bus to Jerusalem from Shiloh.  I noticed that I wasn't the only woman dovening (praying) on the bus.  No, not because we were frightened, like the "no atheists in fox holes," but because it is our custom (based on Jewish Law) to pray the morning prayers everyday.  And this was the 6:30am bus!  OK, I had been up very early blogging, emailing and drinking my water and half-dose of coffee.  The bus is a perfectly fine and suitable venue in which to pray.  When traveling, I sit when praying, even for the prayers one is supposed to stand.  And I always see other women and some men doing the same.  Safety, of course.

I had long finished the required prayers when a man got up and went to the back stairs of the bus, which just happened to be right in front of me.  He stood for the standing prayers.

Nu, obviously, I had to take his picture.  No, I don't know who he is, and he's not very recognizable from this shot.  That's fine with me.  I didn't want to risk disturbing him, so I only shot him once.  It's hard to see in the picture, but he is wearing his T'fillin, not only the Tallit.  Just in case you were wondering.


  1. Shalom!
    In several communities in both Israel and America there are trains and buses with organized minyanim, including Tora reading on the appropriate days - NOT Shabbat! (For the newbies out there, welcome, and the Tora is read on days other that Shabbat.) That, of course, is not the best way to doven, but it's better than not having a minyan.

  2. Yes, it's great. On our early buses many of the men and women doven, not just use the travel time for T'hillim (psalms.) I dovened on American public transportation during recent visits and in all sorts of strange places...


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