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Saturday, October 23, 2010

Checking Up Via RivkA's Blog

I don't remember where I first saw the title, Coffee and Chemo, but as soon as I saw it I read it and was hooked.  A short while later I met RivkA at the first Jewish Bloggers Convention and then a "social media" workshop/gathering in the Old City.

We met again when she and Moshe brought the family to Tel Shiloh, along with Jameel and his family, and at the Second Jewish Bloggers Convention.  No doubt if there had been a third this past summer, RivkA and Moshe would have attended.

Now, I'm admittedly not among their closest friends, and the message on Coffee and Chemo is that Moshe is busy being with RivkA and their kids, so I won't call.  I live too far to offer food and other services the family may need.

RivkA bat Teirtzel's in my prayers.  That's something we can all do, pray, for a Refuah Shleimah, complete recovery for this totally amazing young woman.

Click on this picture and you can see RivkA at Tel Shiloh.  For some strange reason, I have lots of pictures of her back, and this is the only one I found that showed her face.  She's mid-left.


  1. You have lots of pictures of her back because until recently she was always in front of any group and I was always running to catch up with her. It's the tour guide experience, I guess. :)

  2. Yes, Karen, RivkA's a leader. She thought it was funny that I couldn't keep us with her and kept wondering what she was like healthy.


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