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Saturday, October 30, 2010

Erasing... RivkA is no longer on my "Refuah Shleimah" List

A few months ago, RivkA asked me to add her to the list on my sidebar.  She wrote that even though she was functioning well, she was dangerously ill.  Obviously she wasn't delusioned about her situation.  I didn't see her f2f this past year, but whenever I did see her before then she always gave such a strong and healthy impression, it was hard to believe that she was struggling with cancer and living on chemo and sometimes radiation, too.  Not long ago, I wrote to her that a friend just had a double mastectomy, and she called my friend offering to help her in any way required.

Yes, that was RivkA.

This Shabbat we read the Torah Portion "Chaye Sarah," about Sarah's death, burial and introducing us to the Biblical RivkA, who was so strong, generous and caring.

RivkA's funeral is 10pm tonight.  Information on Coffee and Chemo.  There's also shiva info.  It's important to know that the family requests a break from 12 noon until 3pm and that nobody arrive after 9:30pm.  For more details, please check her blog.

May RivkA's family be comforted among the mourners
of Zion and Jerusalem.
Please daven (or send happy thoughts) for the
memory of RivkA bat Yishaya.


  1. you were right. i was in denial. the funeral was very sad, yet also uplifting somehow.

  2. yes. standing in the back with my daughter, who was rivkAs swimming student.

  3. I guess your daughter learned courage along with the swimming.

  4. yes, definitely.


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