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Sunday, October 17, 2010

A Free Book, For the Rhyming Cook!

Yes, the winner of the Rhyming Kosher By Design Slogan Contest will get a free copy of Susie Fishbein's latest kosher cookbook!

The truth is that you don't have to be under thirty to use and enjoy the cookbook.  The recipes, like these Turkey Sliders are good for all ages and circumstances.  Other recipes are:
Mexican Pizza Empanadas, Creamy Gnocchi Pesto Salad, Thai Chicken Burgers, Hoisin Vegetables, and finishing with a Chocolate Tart in Pretzel Crust. There are dozens of suggestions here to “eat your way around the world.”

Q – So this cookbook isn’t just limited to the young, aspiring home chef?
A, Susie Fishbein – Not at all. Over-30’s will find great ideas in Teens and 20-Somethings. And if you are a parent who cooks for this age group, you’ll be very happy because they’ll love the diverse cuisine – not to mention that all the older adults I’ve surveyed said that would use this cookbook for their regular meal planning as well.

Now's the time
to send in your rhyme
Win your book
and start to cook!



  1. Early November, after my review is posted. I'd like to announce the winner by Rosh Chodesh Kislev.

  2. If you want to have a chance to win this cookbook earlier, head on over to my blog guesswhoscoming2dinner.blogspot.com!
    My review and contest starts Oct. 20th (some recipe photos are up already now).
    Readers can enter more than one blogger's contest, so try them all!

  3. G6, good idea. My book still hasn't arrived, so I can't review it yet.

  4. Not quite sure how to enter...

  5. All the blogs participating have different contests. you can enter them all. In mine, just send your rhyming slogan as a comment to a post about the contest. My judges will decide after I publish my review.

  6. how about:
    teens and older
    cooking bolder

  7. great, you can enter even more rhymes and times


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