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Sunday, October 03, 2010

A Very Filling "Bis"

Here's another attempt at an "alternative blogging method." I chose a few pictures from my Picasa and then clicked "Blog This!" I had to sign in again. Apparently Picasa isn't communicating with the computer and doesn't know that I'm already signed in. I was then given a choice from all the blogs on that account to which blog to blog this. Blog This! doesn't include all the editing options, so I'll re-edit this either after publishing or after saving as draft.

Now for the post:
A couple of weeks ago, I met one of my old friends or "partners in crime," the crime of daring to change our lives from ordinary assimilated American Jewish teenagers to Torah observant Jews. We met up in Machane Yehuda, Jerusalem's open market, which has become very trendy of late. My plan is to post shuk pictures on
Shiloh Musings.

We chose the veteran "Cafe` Mizrachi," which in recent years has evolved from a baking supply, from exotic extracts to fancy pans, store to a lovely coffee shop/dairy restaurant. I was trying to, as usual, limit expenses and carbohydrates. In the end I had to compromise. The best deal was what they called the ביס bis "just a bite" sandwich. The small salad plate cost extra, but just a few shekels. It was a good filling meal. If I had gotten a full-sized sandwich I would have also eaten every drop/crumb, but this smaller roll was enough to satisfy me. The price was low enough to tempt me to try their coffee, too. The total bill for the sandwich and coffee added up to less than a standard meal of quiche or salad. They served the coffee first, while we were waiting for our sandwiches, so if you want the coffee as a dessert, you ought to let them know. They didn't ask.

We ate indoors. It was enough to look out of the windows.

Machane Yehuda is the new place for a great lunch and other shopping.

I see that Picasa has left its mark/logo here.  I didn't really enjoy having to keep signing into blogger when I had already done it and the fact that I had to do graphics editing  after posting/publishing this post, but for a picture post it is easier to choose my photos directly from Picasa.  The only options are choosing colors and the bold/italics choices.  Now I'll do my Shiloh Musings shuk picture post without having signed out.  Maybe Picasa will remember me.
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