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Monday, November 15, 2010

It's Faster to Walk in Jerusalem

Last Tuesday night, the night before my Matan studies, I slept in Jerusalem. By road it is pretty complicated to get to the Emek Refaim area where I planned on having breakfast, but by foot, it was a pretty easy walk.

Even though I must admit that I got a bit lost. Nothing serious. I just considered it more calorie burning and the extra walking also helped to speed up my metabolism. I found what I was looking for and had the time for the extra streets.
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  1. getting lost while walking the streets of jlem is one of my greatest pleasures.
    i consider myself fortunate and privileged to be able to walk these streets.
    not every jew in every generation was able walk freely thru jlem.

  2. a, I agree. Actually, I had two walking adventures/getting lost last week in Jerusalem. Both turned out just fine, B"H


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