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Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Mourning RivkA

There are videos (youtubes) of the eulogies from RivkA's funeral on her blog.  At present, not all are up yet.  Moshe's must be divided into two, because youtube limits the time per video/movie.

The shiva (period of intense mourning) is almost over.  Jewish Law is amazing in how it treats mourners.  Friends who converted to Judaism are especially grateful, because they talk of the trauma of not being able to unwind from the pain of loss and gradually reenter ordinary life.  During the seven days of shiva, a mourner is forbidden to take care of ordinary needs.  He/she sits on a low chair/stool, clothing ripped by the heart.  The mourner isn't supposed to clean, cook or serve.

My original plan was to visit RivkA's family on Thursday, yes, make a special trip to Jerusalem.  But today I found myself in Jerusalem with a free afternoon.  It seemed obvious that today was to be the day.

Since the family requests that nobody come between 12 and 3pm, I needed a place to wait until it would be acceptable to go.  So I went to my husband's office in the Begin Center.  Considering the mobbed funeral, I expected a lot of people at the shiva.  I didn't really want to be there during a crowded time.  I wanted the chance to talk to some of the family, listen to them.  That's why the afternoon, 3 until Mincha (afternoon prayers) seemed like the best to go for a short visit.

So, I left my husband's office after 2:30 and went to wait for a bus.  I waited and waited.   I'm the type who can be obsessive about getting places on time, so I had to keep telling myself that there's no "on time" here.  I'll get there when I get there, and it will be the right time.  Eventually the bus came.

I asked where to get off and then had to ask others which apartment.  I got there about half an our after I had planned, but it was perfect.  Not everyone was up.  I had the opportunity to meet RivkA's mother, brother and sister.   I could see that RivkA got her activism from her mother.   

I've been to so many shiva houses, too many.  Each one is so different. 

Sadly, this was RivkA's...


  1. All the hespedim videos are up on RivkA's blog.

    Moshe's as well -- I split it into 2 parts, and uploaded/posted them.

    Bisorot tovot.

  2. Jameel, thanks. I was so tired last night, I didn't really express myself all that well.


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