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Friday, December 03, 2010

Chanukah, The Assimilated Jews' Last Stand...

I may be wrong; it has been forty-five, yes, 45 years since I decided to live as a Torah Jew...

For many assimilated Jews, I think that celebrating Chanukah, even as a substitute for xmas, shows the last remnants of their Jewish observance.  It may be as minimal as buying a Chanukah present for the kids and not a xmas one.  That's even easier than buying a box of matzah and making some effort to hold a "seder" on Passover.

Over the years when various relatives married non-Jews, if a female relative married a non-Jew I'd buy them a present, a Chanukah Menorah.  Sometimes I got it for a Jewish couple, since it seemed like a nice Jewish gift from the relatives in Israel.  I don't know how many actually have used them.  I certainly don't ask.

But if I'm not mistaken, it's the one ritual item most people are familiar with.

Chag Urim Sameach
Have an Enlightened Holiday


  1. Anonymous3/12/10 16:57

    That is a really wonderful idea. Happy Chanukah!

  2. lol.
    Go ahead and celebrate Chanukah...


  3. Frayda, as long as the children will be halachikly Jewish, it's really important to keep a connection.
    Herbals, why not?


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