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Thursday, December 23, 2010

Finally Sitting... Had Been Sick

Actually, I still am sick, but I feel better than I did from Tuesday afternoon.  I was fine in the morning, and then when I was waiting for the bus to Ofra to see the grandkids, suddenly I began feeling strange, sick, awful.  So I called my daughter and told her that I was going home.  I got home and collapsed for about forty hours. 

It's Thursday, when I usually cook for Shabbat.  Luckily I have some food in the freezer.

I've been drinking lots of water, water and lemon, teas with lemon.  I tried some soup which just didn't taste right. So when my husband got home from work I asked him to make me an apple compote.  Of course, I had to tell him how to do it.  I at a drop of that.  I don't know what I'll eat today.

Next week's a busy day, so I hope I'm all better by then.


  1. רפאוה שלמה!!! Iy"h, in time to enjoy Shabbos...

  2. oops - I meant "רפואה". :-)

  3. !החלמה מהירה
    I hope you have a chance to rest up and regain your strength over Shabbat!

  4. Jennifer, Mrs. S. thanks so much. B"H, I feel much better today. Not all better, but much.

  5. B"H glad you're feeling better. Still, take it easy,keep hydrated, and get plenty of rest... Shabbat Shalom!

  6. Sara,thanks. I'm trying to eat simply.


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