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Thursday, January 20, 2011

All The Children Married...

Last night we were at a wedding, a beautiful joyous wedding, B"H, bli eyin haraa.  Within a few short months, all of my friend's children got married.  Nowadays, more and more of my friends are reaching that amazing (for me) milestone.  All of their children are married.  Some even have grandchildren from all of their kids.

Not everyone is so blessed.  Pray and help, if you can.



  1. Batya, haven't been blogging for a week. Got sick Friday, all through Shabbat and today. Am taking sick day (unpaid) tomorrow. Just an update...
    How many kids do you have? How many of them are married?

  2. Refuah shleimah, I'm glad you're feeling better.
    Five kids, bli eyin haraa and one married.

  3. Same # as me! My two youngest daughters are not married yet. B'ezrat Hashem, yours will get there soon!

  4. I have 4 more to go. G-d willing.


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